Elmira Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


Chrome bumpton's, 807 Broadway. er guards, single and double. Mufflers ATTRACTIVE substantial hammered and son's, tail 200 S. pipes. Most all cars.

Mosebrass andirons. 208 S. Walnut Main. before 6 p. m.

THREE wagons, separator, churn, BABY carriage, h. Stratton p. gas motor, h. p. Briggs play pen, high chair, gas motor, buzz saw, belts, stroller, nursery chair, crib.

All in 16-gauge shotgun, brooder stove, good condition. 362 Diven Ave. brooder, oil heaters, feed sacks, old BABY milk cans, hunting coat (size 48), cellent carriation. 201 Whitney Columbia. reed.

Ex- sulky plow. J. E. Ayers, Daggett, Pa. BALED shavings and peat moss.

TOYS, lunch cloths, books, wood curtains, jig saw puzzles. general road Checkerboard Ave. Feed Store, 612 Rail- rummage. Wednesday and Thursday, lamps, 2 p. m.

to 8 p. m. 362 Fulton St. BEAUTIFUL crab orchard stone for TRACTOR CHAINS All sizes. Dunterraces, fireplaces or building dee Motors, Dundee, N.

Y. walks, purposes. Nature's work of art. Linn S. Chapel Co.

Inc. Dial 5191. USED Bryant gas burner for large furnace or boiler. 309 Glen Ave. BLOW torch, wheelbarrow, metal tray, both nearly new.

Low top wood bed- USED furnace and some pipe for stead. Dropside wire cot. Outside sale. 718 Southport St. slat blinds.

1120 College Ave. USED tires for sale. 920 Lackawanna "BEN RENO" fishing boats; Ave. class sailers; outboard and inboard WHITNEY baby coach. Dial 6311 motor boats.

Wright Built Boat mornings only. Dundee, N. Y. Phone 98-J. WALL PAPER BUNDLES Lots 35c BICYCLE -New condition, large news- up.

as is. Horton's, 307 Broadway. paper size carrier. 1151 Willow WASHED sand and loam for sale. Dial Horseheads, after 5 p.

m. 2-4781. CLOSET COMBINATION-Colonial deWINDOW screens, full Inegth, sign. First grade vitreous china, com- stock. Dial 6644.

Schuyler, Wellsplete with seat, $21.95. No priority necSteins, E. Water, cor. Dewitt. burg.

essary. WE HAVE wood shingles, stained and CEILING -A new textured white ceil- unstained. Whipple Lumber Yard, ing right over the old plaster. Special Upper Lake St. Dial 8169.

suspension. No nails to cover. Attractive. No painting. Ask for our new WE HAVE wood shingles, stained and catalogue.

Harris, McHenry Baker. unstained. Whipple Lumber Yard Upper Lake St. Dial 8169. CINDER blocks for chimneys with round flue.

Dial 9702. WHITNEY deluxe carriage, maple crib. 327 Rowan St. Dial 7308. CORNER Air Flame oil burners for range." Unpainted breakfast set.

Baby Other articles. 704 ARTICLES FOR RENT 48A Pine Horseheads. PROJECTORS and films, 8 m. CIGARETTE lighters, records, 20c, m. and sound.

Complete film li2 for 39c; stuffed toys. Novelty brary consisting of war, travel, comE Smoke Shop, 122 State. edy and sports. Loomis and Hall, COMBINATION screen storm windows 2-0947. and doors.

Harris, McHenry Baker RENT a modern Singer electric maCompany. chine. Singer Sewing Machine CARBOLA DDT- The insect killing 312 E. Water St. Dial 2-3413.

white paint. Non-toxic. Same dry TYPEWRITERS rented as low as $7.50 type DDT used on our soldiers and for 3 months. Dial 2-9428. Bunis civilians in Italy.

Kills flies, mos- Typewriter 304 E. Water. quitoes, roaches, spiders, You ants WALL PAPER steamers, floor sandand insects on with water and ers and edgers. Horton's, 307 Broadother contact. simply mix the powder to walls and ceilings.

lbs. way. apply makes 1 gal. paint covering 250 square feet). One application effective for WEARING APPAREL 50 3 months.

Proved in tests begun a year ago on 500 farms. In powder A BEAUTIFUL snow suit; girl's form it is harmless to skin of hu- toddler, child's arctics, size mans or animals. Carbola DDT in- man's overcoat. size 42. Perambulacludes a disinfectant which destroys tor.

fine condition. Reasonable. Also disease in barns, poultry woman's shoes. Dial 2-5955. houses, doghouses, etc.

Use it also ALL wool navy blue fitted coat. fox 88 dry powder on floor. Paint your collar, size 10-12. Dial 6618 after 6 cellar. Banfield-Jennings 220- p.

m. 222 W. Water St. COPPER wash boiler, 10 gal. stone slenderizing concealing, rayons, cotADJUSTABLE MATERNITY Dresses, crock, gas heater.

4795. tons, $5.95 to $15. Schwartz's, Main St. ELECTRIC shallow and deep low well BEAUTIFUL matched blue. fox scarf, head, your low cost." Dial 6644.

Schuywater pumps in stock. "Our over- full length. Sacrifice. 7856 after 5 p. m.

ler, Wellsburg. BLACK plush coat, $10. size 40, $8. Penna. Man's Ave.

overcoat, size 40. 727 EXHAUST FANS now in stock, 12 14 16 in. and 24 in. Cash Electric, BOY'S clothing, size 10; misses' coats, 224 W. Water St.

dresses, size 12. Wednesday and Thursday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. 362 HEY'S 360 N.

Main St. Fireplace Fulton St. baskets, andirons and fire sets; radiants for gas heaters; Simonize Wax MING dyed coat, size 14. Worn very protect your linoleum; Powderene little. Dial 2-1122.

to clean your rugs; rubber molding MEN'S. women's, children's, infants' for around your tub. clothing and shoes. Some baby's furFIELD FORCE pump spray rig com- niture. Other articles too numerous 4 h.

p. engine; carries 400 lbs. to mention. Dial 2-0202. plete, pressure.

100 gal. tank in excellent TWO black coats, 1 green coat with working order. Ferguson-Ford two- fur collars, Round Oak table. 108 bottom tractor plow. American EZ W.

Chemung Place upstairs. No. 60 cream separator, Martin large ditcher TWO black dress coats, small capacity, good as new. reasonable. Dial 2-6850.

sizes, and road grader, two-horse or tractor operation. Planet Jr. 2-horse rid- BOY'S finger tip reversible coat, size ing corn cultivator. Oliver 3-bottom 14; Scout uniform complete, size vineyard plow No. 17, John Deere 14: lady's Hudson seal coat, 16; mowing machine No.

1, N. Y. cut. Phone Har- Shinese redskin coat, hat and muff, old R. Norton, Hector, 17.

size 11-12; ladies' white shoe skates, double side desk, combin- size 6. 8149. FLAT TOP. ation cupboards with drawers and CHILD'S rubber raincoat, reversible shelves, high top desk, steel file cab- mackinaw, sizze 8. Lady's coat.

2-1126. inet. toilet bowls, sinks, closets, pipe clothing, size 10-12. 957 Davis fittings, valves, lag screws, electric glaSs St. GIRL'S stand, glass shades, small motor, flag poles, drill and GIRL'S clothing, all sizes; 2 men's bench, black walnut bed, marble top suits.

198 E. McCann's Blvd. Dial dressers, jeweler's scales, osteopath 2-1613. table. work 409, Snyder Main St.

MISSES' clothing, 11 to 14, cheap. benches, chairs, glass, etc. Room Stroock black coat, size 14, boy's FORD -Ferguson, power saws, cultivators, bull- 2 tweed suit, size 14. 1201 Water. dozers, mowers, tillers, No phone calls.

wheel trailers, snow plows, Implements, NEARLY new gray gabardine lady's tractor jacks, covers, pulleys. rain coat; all wool black suit, size parts always available. Dundee 10. Dial 2-6733. Motors, Dundee, N.

Y. Stowell, 954 ONE St. fur 7116. coat, 2 Chesterfields. FIVE boys' bicycles.

R. Jay Penna. Ave. PAIR of silver fox furs for sale. Dial FIFTY inner tubes.

6.00x16, $2.75. Fog- 2-5510. lights, $5.95 a pair. 100 pair headlight lenses. A few spot lights.

Moseson's, TWO ladies' winter coats. several 200 S. Main. suits and dresses, size 12-14. 311 sizes).

Caldwell Ave. FURNACE pipe, all kinds, (all Johnson's, 206 S. Main. WINTER COATS and fur $40. 200 trimmed, like new.

Fur coats, jackets GAS burner for furnace, and capes. Fall coats at reduced Bloomer Ave. prices. Avery, 2 1234 W. Church St.

GRAY STONE Try insulating your home with panels which give effect COAL DEALERS 51 of McHenry ashler stone Baker Co. masonry. PLENTY of anthracite SOON. Plenty Harris, of semi-hard now. Hughes Coal Co.

HAY rope, inch. Dial 6644. Schuy- Dial 8582. ler, Wellsburg. KEEP warm now with semi-anthraI.

H. C. TRACTOR plow for sale. cite, co*ke soft nut. Anthracite Plynn Burt, Tioga, Pa.

soon. Williams Coal Co. 2-4539. KIMSUL insulation, 100 sq. ft.

per roll, COAL WOOD TRUCKERS 51A $4.95. Whipple's Lumber Yard, 8169. delivered. BODY wood and fireplace wood. LawKEROSENE and fuel oil son's Wood Yard.

2-4768. Dial 2-2723. Orson Bailey. KNOTTY PINE and bleached walnut 1200 Maple Ave. Dial 2-6096.

KINDLING wood and used lumber. gypsum shrinking. panels, Harris, McHenry Baker SEASONED body and slab wood. Ray thick, nonJohnson. 6361.

Company. LAMPS, dishes, fruit jars, clocks, doll 2-3960. SLABWOOD FOR SALE DIAL carriage, curtains, suit case, tands, beds, quilts, chairs, writing SLABWOOD and hard body wood. pillows, radios, antiques, ward- Dial 4865 2-3446. Probe, muscial instruments.

800 E. SLABWOOD FOR SALE Dial Market St. 2-7052. LADDERS- Extension with rope. Sizes SEEDS, PLANTS FLOWERS 52 24', 26, 28'.

Step ladders. Fruit picking ladders. Horton's, 307 Broadway. ARMOR River North and California MASTERTONE special electric guitar Privet for hedges; also butterfly 4 with amplifier, good condition. 120 bush and flowering shrubs.

Reilly's piano accordion, new F. B. Nursery, 915 Maple Ave. bass Radom 9 mm. automatic with holster, DOUBLE yellow narcissus, large No.

new condition. Crystal City Swap 1 buds, 60c doz. $4 hundred delivShop, 137 E. Market Corning. ed.

Wheeler's Fruit and Flower Phone 1444. Farm, Horseheads. Phone 41F-14. MAN'S pre-war bicycle, balloon tires. DAFFODILS can be tucked into odd First class condition.

308 S. Main. garden spaces, between perennials MAC GREEVEY BOOK STORE-When and under the edges of shrubbery you want a book, call 9711. We have a SO that in their season the daffodils large stock to select from, 312 East give character to the tneire garden. Water.

Very cheice bulbs now in at Banfieldand tail pipes sale. 300 Jennings 220-222 W. Water St. MUFFLERS Mufflers, 400 tail pipes at dis- HARD MAPLE shade trees, 50c up. count.

Get one to have on hand. belts, Dial 2-3902. locking gas caps, 300 Friday fan and LANDSCAPE your home with the 49c to only. Moseson's, 200 S. finest in evergreens from Reilly's 75c.

Thursday, Saturday Nursery, 915 Maple Ave. For appointMain, ment. Dial 2-1434. MOTOR SCOOTER with side car. 734 PREPARE now for tulip time.

AnHopkins St. nuals have done their duty for the ONLY one 14 by 30 fine fir Craine J. summer; they can now be pulled up Silo, immediate delivery. Watkins Write Glen. J.

and the bulb beds prepared with Kelly, Silo Man, bone meal. Later the beds can be pot type burner; Bosch covered with a mulch of peat moss. OIL cabinet heater, radio; man's prewar bicycle: The wise gardener has everything child's tricycle. Rollaway man's cot with size ready Banfield-Jennings when planting time 220-222 arrives. W.

innerspring mattress; suit, Water St. 38. 6726. 12 horse, high pressure upright GOOD THINGS TO EAT 53 ONE with all fittings, resteam 9667. BAKED HAM harvest supper, Millcently inspected, $375.

port Methodist Church. Thursdav, OUTBOARD motor, Johnson Sea October 6 p. m. Adults 85c, chilHorse, 7.15 h. p.

Reasonable. 606 dren 50c. Chester after 6 p. m. BROILERS, alive or dressed, deliverPENN YAN car top and Ben Reno ed.

Phone Horseheads 21F3. boats. Outboard motor. 108 W. Church.

CUCUMBER pickles, any size, or PIANO, baby carriage, table. Dial quantity. Benedict's Vegetable Mart, 4478. Elmira-Wellsburg Rd. 2-4405.

ROOF COATING -Long asbestos fiber. MELONS. apples, lima and shell No matter what you pay, you can't beans, peppers, cauliflower, cabbage a better one. Special: 5 gal. pail, and tomatoes, sweet corn, potatoes, $1.49.

Schuyler, Wellsburg. squash Vegetable and Mart, pumpkins. Elmira-Wellsburg Benedict's A RICH river bottom loam. Mathews. Rd.

2-4405. Lenses duplicat- POTATOES. cabbage. string beans. Dial 9497.

SAVE THE PIECES Frames repaired. Riverside Farms, 1255 Maple or ed on premises. Fisher, Reg. 2-5831. Optometrist, 120 E.

Water. Dial 8023. SPECIAL examined. E. -Tomatoes and sweet corn for canning.

Riverdale Farrus. 1255 dual tractor and potato planter. Maple Ave. 2-5831. SHAW, 2-2180.

machine, WANTED -MERCHANDISE 55 SHOEMAKER'S heels, stitching many tools. Dial ALWAYS 2-4629. Mrs. Frank Popeck, 608 E. zines, rags, metals.

Shulman forms, BUYING scrap paper, magaSecond Son, 161 Sullivan. Dial 2-0352. SATE ROLL ROOFING Wrapper slightly lb. soil- Red BEST School prices for certificates paper, issued magazines, for -90 Regular $2.75 grade for $1.89. papers.

Kaplan, 617 Baldwin. 2-6927. lend slate gray. rags. ed.

see and buy a bargain. We Come and Wellsburg. CIRCULATING oil heater, girl's bicycle, Schuyler, 20-gauge pump gun wanted. Cash. SONOTONE Dial hearing 8045.

aid for sale. Johnson, S. Main. Reasonable. ELECTRIC fan wanted in good condiIron Fireman, excellent tion.

Dial 5625. condition. Reasonable. 340 Glen Ave. GAS or oil burner for furnace to heat TRICYCLE, 206 $6: S.

sink, Main, banjo, $22.50. 24F6. about 8. rooms. Phone Horseheads Johnson's, WANTED- MERCHANDISE 55 HUDSON seal coat wanted, good condition, or one for repairs.

Dial 6618 after 6 p. m. LARGE used furnace wanted. Dial 2-1765 or 7336. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines wanted.

Bunis Typewriter 304 E. Water. Dial 2-9428. WANTED-2-18 in. tires.

H. B. Cloos, Middlebury Center, RD 2. WE BUY watches, lighters or anything salable. Novelty Smoke Shop.

122 State WHEAT wanted. Schuyler. Wellsburg, N. Y. Dial 6644.

WANTED- -Diamond, one and a half carat. Address H-608, Star-Gazette. LIVESTOCK PET STOCK 56 A BEAUTIFUL dark brindle, Boston terrior female; 18 mos, of age; weighs, 12 white collar, upright ears, and short tail. Reg. in A.

K. C. Stephen Kellogg, Montour Falls, N. Y. R.

D. 1. A' FEW registered Beagles left. Beardslee, 347 Noble St. CANARIES-Singers.

$11.95. Health food. Schusler. 808 W. Water.

FEMALE, markings, co*cker 1 year spaniel, old. black Reasonable. and Dial 2-9456. FOX HOUND, yrs. old.

Reasonable because of no place to keep it. 748 Roe Ave. PUPPIES for sale. Make excellent pets. Part Daschund and co*cker Spaniel, $5.

438 W. Clinton. 2-3129. RABBITS A few more New Zealand whites. Dial 2-4934.

RABBIT-HOUNDS-D. Van Golder, Cayuta RD 1, East Sullivanville. Phone Horseheads 33-F-6. REGISTERED collie pand police dogs. Plynn Burt.

Tioga, TOY SPITZ, an exceptionally fine pet. Well mannered and house broken. 18 months old. Child's allergy to dogs necessitates disposition. $50.

Dial 2-1827. HORSES. CATTLE 57 FLOCK of registered Hampshire ewes, went ewe lambs. Two rams. Ramstein, Ridge Road, Horseheads, CARLOAD of Belgian horses, young and well broken, matched teams, roans and sorrels.

Full line of harness. Also 3 Palomino saddle horses. James H. Burns, Lake Salubria Farm, Bath, N. Y.

Phone 695. GOOD fresh, and Fall cows. No cash needed. sale on Sunday. State Dairy Cattle Inc.

B. N. Millard, Ithaca, N. RD 5. Phone 2015.

ONE good guernsey cow, fresh. E. English, Breesport. PINTO riding horse. 7 years old and equipment, formerly owned by the J.

E. Ranch. Dial 8376. SADDLE horse and new western saddle. 129 E.

Mill Horseheads. SORREL horse, 1,900 8 years old, excellent for woods work, also registered Belgian mares, young. Sell or trade for cattle. John Sumner, Himrod. N.

Y. Phone Dundee, 1572. TWENTY-SEVEN head of dairy cattle and heifers. Some fresh, some due to freshen soon. Also McCormick-Deerick corn binder.

Warren Wixson, Horseheads, N. Y. POULTRY, EGGS 58 NEW HAMPSHIRE hens, roosters; $2 each. J. E.

Ayers, Daggett, Pa. PULLETS -New Hampshire Reds, months old. Also 8 weeks old Cross Dial 2-1018. PULLETS, 500 New Hampshire Reds, 3 months old. Fryers, 35c a lb.

John L. Symonds, Lowman. TURKEYS, ducks, young roosters. 0. C.

Lee, Millport, Johnson Hol. Rd. WHITE Leghorn pullets. (50); 6 months old. Reasonable.

Phone Chemung 9-F-12. John M. Elliott. WANTED LIVESTOCK, PETS 59 ALL kinds of live poultry. 601 Main Horseheads.

Phone 541. LIVE poultry wanted. Dial 2 2-3308. H. Tolbert, Pine City, N.

Y. LIVE poultry wanted. L. R. Clark, Middle Horseheads.

Phone 42-F-2. $3 TO $8 for live horses, according to size and condition. Dead stock removed free of charge. Call 4151 Montour Falls, Montour Falls Rendering Works. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE INSTRUMENTS- RECORDS 60 A BARGAIN in everything musicalinstruments, supplies.

Everything for drummers. Terms. Expert repairing. Frank Hauver, 254 Walnut Elmira. ELECTRIC guitar, Gibson 7-string, complete with 7-tube amplifier, in.

Dynamic speaker. Excellent condition. $125. Call 7662. dition, complete with stand.

LUDWIG snare drum. Excellent, 211 Mechanic St. VIOLIN outfits, new and used, guitars, trumpets. Reduced prices. Open evenings.

Knapp's, 104 College Ave. 2-1787. WINDUP record player, A-1 condition. Dial 7602 4534. AT THE ARMS CO.

RECORD SHOP BING CROSBY on a Star" Including "Swinging on a Star" "Going My Way" "Irish Lullaby" "Day After Forever" "Ave Maria" 6 sides $2.08 ELMIRA ARMS CO. 117 N. Main PIANOS--RADIOS 61 A LARGE upright piano, mahogany case, reconditioned, tuned, mothproofed, $115; another at $135; these are fine tone a instruments. Claude Buckpitt, 154 Lake St. GRAND PIANO -Mahogany case.

fine action and tone, $427.00. Ideal for the home. Will give many years of good service. Moderate terms. M.

Doyle Marks Son, 309 E. Water Elmira, N. Y. PHILCO table model radio, also Oliver typewriter. Dial 7718 after 6 p.m.

PIANO-Doyle Marks, recently reconditioned, upright; $50. 510 W. Third. UPRIGHT piano for sale. Reasonable.

Dial 2-6333 between 5 and 8 p. m. WANTED--MUSICAL MCHDSE 65 BAND instruments and accordions wanted. High prices paid. Knapp's.

104 College Ave. Dial 2-1787. CASH for your grand, spinet, or small upright piano. Buckpitt, 154 Lake St. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE HELP A PERMANENT position for nursery maid, High School education preferred, for boys 3 and 5.

6 days a week. Noon to 7. Sundays included. Good salary. Dial 2-0820.

COMFORTABLE situation for reliable housekeeper. Pleasant home of family, 2-6051. with children. Live in or out. YOUNG lady between ages 18 and 25 wanted to assist manager in office work.

Must be high school graduate. Splendid opportunity for advancement if candidate qualifies. Apply New York Telephone Co. Business Office. FEMALE HELP 66 CHRISTMAS card salespeople.

Make easiest profits with superb new "prize" 21-card $1 box. Pays you up to 50c profit. Everybody buys. Newest popular assortment-gift wraps, religious, humorous, etc. Samples on approval.

Chilton Greetings 147 Essex, Dept. 263, Boston, Mass. COMPETENT girl for housework in small home. Good salary, day week. No cooking.

Live out. 8853. DEPENDABLE WOMAN FOR general housework. Live in. Family of 2 adults and children.

Beautiful room and congenial home. $14 a week plus food and maintenance. State references. Address S-594. Star-Gazette.

DRUG and cosmetic saleslady wanted. Excellent salary. Short hours. Must have some experience. Rand Drug, 101 E.

Water. HOUSEKEEPER. care of child. No washing or cooking. Live in or out.

Dial 8309 after 5:30. -Good opportunity for right one. Alfred's Hair Styling, Langdon Plaza. HIGH school girl, 16 years or over, for position of ticket seller afternoons and evenings. Apply Capitol Theater.

HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Modern home, all conveniences. Just, outside corporation limits. Two adults in family. No objection to woman with one child.

Excellent proposition for right party. Write or phone for interview. Allen H. Bulkley, Odessa, N. Y.

Telephone Odessa 30-W. MAIDS employment. wanted, Also part time maid, or steady night 3 p. m. to 11 p.

m. Apply Housekeeper, Mark Twain Hotel. MAIDS wanted, Elmira College, hour day, days a week. No night work. Apply House Director.

OFFICE help. Girls with general office experience. Typing and filing experleuce essential. Pleasant working conditions with excellent opportunity for immediate future. Apply Mr.

Toole, Sears. Roebuck Elmira. RELIABLE woman to care for two children days. 112 W. LaFrance after 6.

SALESWOMEN wanted. The Hollywood Shop, 106 E. Water St. SALESLADIES Several positions open for high quality salesladles. Good opportunity for rapid promotion for progressive individuals.

Excellent starting salary. Sears, Roebuck Elmira. WAITRESSES wanted, experienced. Apply Casablanca Inn. Phone Horseheads 577.

WOMAN to earn money at home by repairing, gloves. Steady parttime job. Address T-572, Star-Gazette. WOMAN to help mother take care of 2 small children, private living quarters. $25.

Reference wanted. 2-7339. WOMAN for general housework. Dial 2-3472. WOMAN or girl wanted for care of baby days from 8 to 5.

Linden PIc. 4227. WOMAN wanted for part time housework. Dial 2-5271 evenings, between 7 and 9. WOMAN to assist with housework and care of young child, small house, liberal time off.

Live Phone Corning 972-M, reverse charges or address K-587 Star-Gazette. WOMAN for general housework. 803 E. Market St. WOMAN for general housework.

Live in newly furnished, private apartment. Good wages, pleasant surroundings in West Elmira. Address P. O. Box 529, Elmira.

WOMAN to stay with children in country. Live in. Good home and wages. Weekends free. Phone Horseheads 29F14.

WOMAN for milking and barn work. Excellent wages woman who can qualify. Address T-595, Star-Gazette. WOMAN wanted to clean from 9 to 4. 5 days per week, day Saturday.

Dial 2-6537. WOMAN to care for 3 children between 8-5 p. m. 2-4476 after 5 p. m.

WOMAN wanted for light housework. some cooking and care of invalid, 10:30 a. m. to 7 p. m.

Live out. Dial 7374 after 11 a. m. WOMEN for general housekeeping work wanted. Apply Housekeeper, Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital.

YOUNG WOMAN for instrument making. Lathe experience preferred. Non smokers only, for magnesium. work. DuMaurier Company, Keeney Bldg.

BANQUET waitresses wanted. Experience not necessary. Apply Mark Twain Hotel, Valeria Disinski, between hours of 5 and 9 any evening. WANTED AT ONCE Stenographers Typists Clerks Apply Employment Department SHEPARD NILES CRANE AND HOIST CORP. Montour Falls, N.

Y. MALE HELP WANTED 67 WANTED AT ONCE Milling Machine Operators Vertical Boring Mill Operators Horizontal Boring Mill Operators Turret Lathe Operators Inspectors Time Study Men Day and Night Shifts Apply Employment Department SHEPARD NILES CRANE AND HOIST CORP. Montour Falls, N. Y. MALE HELP WANTED ATTENTION MAN 25 TO 40 YEARS OF AGE OR WAR VETERAN For established coffee and grocery route in Elmira.

We furnish car and pay all penses, salary, commission and bonus. This position averages $60 per week. Excellent opportunity for man selected. APPLY MR. LeBART Langwell Hotel, 7 to 9 P.

M. Thursday and Friday CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE Union Wages, Steady Work Apply to VERNE WELLS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 805 Holdridge St. Dial 4339 EXPERIENCED AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE MEN For National Acme and Cone Machines Two Shifts: 7:30 A. P. M.

4 P. A. M. Top Wages Plus Bonus SWIFT LUBRICATOR INC. 501 E.

Clinton St. MEN WANTED FOR FOUNDRY WORK AT THE KENNEDY VALVE WE NEED MACHINE MOLDERS And Men Who Would Like To Learn How 1 to Operate Molding Machines Steady Work Our 3 Foundries Now Operating Six 9-Hour Days Time and One-Half Paid After 40 Hours per Week THE KENNEDY VALVE MFG. CO. Elmira, N. Y.


Elmira, N. Y. MALE HELP WANTED A MAN wanted who can do maintenance work around property. Call Mr. Hanwell, 6204.

Evenings 2-6451. A MAN to sell window conditioning units. This is brand new and exclusive. Local firm. Excellent opportunity.

Address A-601, Star-Gazette. ASSISTANT manager for sales and service work. with large national organization. Must be mechanically inclined with good knowledge of selling or business experience. Steady position with good future.

Good salary. Apply in person. Singer Sewing Machine 312 E. Water Elmira. AN experienced cutter wanted.

Lutz Market, 56 Penna. Ave. AUTO repair man wanted. Percentage basis. Dial 2-9470.

BOY wanted for after school work. The Hollywood Shop, 106 E. Water St. BASKETBALL officials wanted. Must be qualified P.I.A.A.

officials. Regular Friday night schedule. For information write R. W. Marvin, Ul-1 ster, Pa." CITY delivery truck driver wanted.

Call Beardslee, 830 Broadway. 7671. EXPERIENCED man wanted to work on farm, good wages. Also a truck driver. Bennett Dairies.

Elmira R. D. 1. Phone Horseheads 2-F-21. EXPERIENCED pressman and young men for shipping and stock room work.

Artistic Card 1575 Lake St. EXPERIENCED short order cook wanted. Good salary. Apply Casablanca Inn, Horseheads. FARM WORKER immediately.

Permanent position with full maintenance. Good man capable of handling cattle and tractor work. Odd Fellows Home, Trumansourg Road, Ithaca. Phone 8514. FREIGHT handlers, 77c per hour.

Apply P.R.R. Freight Station, 147 E. Fifth St. GENTLEMAN for dignified position, meeting the public. Must be reliable, neat.

courteous. Ideal for retired man. Apply after 11 a. m. Manager Keeney Theater.

HERDSMAN Excellent opportunity for capable man with pure bred herd. All 1 replies will be treated condentially. Address W-597, StarGazette. ICEMAN wanted. Steady position.

Apply Mr. Dumas, Catering Mark Twain Hotel. LABORERS wanted for yard and factory work. Plenty of overtime. Covered yard, no lost time for rain.

Steady post-war job. Elmira Building Units Inc. Dial 5465. MAN wanted for steady inside work. C.

K. Laundry, Lake St. MAN for insulation sales work with old established, reliable, local firm. Excellent 'opening for right man. Address Z-600, Star-Gazette.

MAN with chauffeur's license to in concrete burial plant. Steady work, Apply 333 Morrowfield Elmira. MAN wanted to drive truck, 21 to 30 years of age. Chance for advancement. Apply in person, Swift and State St.

MAN with car for permanent position as collector-salesman household merchandise routes in Elmira and Waverly area. Compensation includes bonus, and commission. Conscientious worker will earn $100 and more per week. See Mr. Druker at the United Utilities, 158 Court Binghamton.

MEAT counter man wanted. Apply New Central Market, 123 Lake. MEN wanted. Good wages. Part or full time.

Plenty of overtime. Consolidated Brick Horseheads. N. Y. NIGHT clerk.

Apply Park Hotel after 5 p. m. No phone calls. OUTSIDE SALESMEN- of plumbing and heating essential. We supply leads.

Drawing account and liberal commission to those who can produce. Real opportunity for progress with permanent future. Apply Mr. Toole, Sears, Roebuck Elmira. OFFICE manager with good training experience in cost accounting.

Permanent position with old established company. Must be willing to change residence. Write fully, Address L-610, Star-Gazette. RELIABLE truck driver wanted for city delivery. Regular hours, good pay, permanent employment.

Horwitz 100 E. Church St. RELIABLE mechanic, general repair work. Sower's Garage, 610 Falck. ROOFERS, siders and carpenters.

Top wages. Hudson. RETAIL salesmen for outside contact selling of roofing, building materials. Also floor selling time. We have the goods to sell.

We supply the leads. Drawing account and liberal commission. Apply Mr. Toole, Sears, Roebuck Elmira. SCREW machine operator, thoroughly experienced on Davenport Multiple Spindles.

Highest pay for right man, steady work. Call, write or wire Teale Machine Company, 175 Akron Street, Rochester, N. Y. SERVICE station attendant, full or time. No Sunday or night work.

part Bennett Gulf Station, Walnut and Experience preferred. Good salary. Third Sts. BELLMEN and Elevator Operators wanted. Must be of neat appearance, prefer between ages 18 and 30.

Good hours. Good pay. Apply Bob Arnold, Superintendent of Service, Mark Twain Hotel. BOY, over 16 for light, steady day work. 'Lenjo Fabrics Grand Central Ave.

and 11th Heights. PAINTER and Paperhanger. Must be experienced. Permanent work. Horton's Paint Store.

SEVERAL boys over 16 years for light steady work. Berger and Sherin 116 W. Thurston. TWO bartenders wanted. Good salary.

Steady position. State references. Address D-604, Star-Gazette. YOUNG MAN to learn electric motor winding and repairing. Address 590 Star-Gazette.

MIDDLEAGED man for light, clean work in needle room. Permanent job. Elmira Knittings Mills, Elmira Heights. CONTRACTOR to repair sidewalk. 1127 College Ave.

BOYS Paper routes are -now available. for boys from 12 to 15 years of age. Call the Circulation Dept. of The Star-Gazette. TRUCK driver wanted.

Apply Elmira Market Place, Langdon Plaza. MALE HELP WANTED SHORT ORDER co cook and dishwasher wanted. Good wages. Nick's Restaurant, 226 Oakwood Elmira Hts. SINGLE MAN for pure bred dairy.

Big wages for capable, reliable man. Address V-596, Star-Gazette. TRUCK DRIVER- B. H. Coal Woodlawn Ave.

YOUNG man to warehouse and unload cars. National Biscuit 604 William St. YOUNG man for instrument making. Lathe experience preferred. Nonsmokers only for magnesium work.

DuMaurier Company, Kenney Bldg. MALE- -FEMALE HELP 68 EXPERIENCED weavers wanted. Steady work with good pay. Berger and Sherin 116 W. Thurston St.

at College Ave. Rand Cafeteria. Dial 2-1527. CAFETERIA help wanted. Remington TWENTY-FIVE bean and tomato pickers wanted at once.

Riverdale Farms, 1255 Maple Ave. 2-5831. AGENTS MALE AND FEMALE 69 SALESMAN for exclusive item to be sold to home owners. This is an exceptional opportunity. Address R-570, Star-Gazette.

SITUATIONS WANTED 70 ENGINEER, age 30, university graduate, licensed P. E. experienced in design, estimating structural steel with some mechanical experience. Write Robert Floyd, 150 Wallace Grand Island, New York. MAN with family wants to work on farm by month.

Near Waverly preferred. Erwin Southland, Erin, N. R. D. 1.

INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION CLASSES 72 THE TRAINING of the Boy Chorister by W. H. Morvan, Grace Church. New boys are being registered day, Wednesday, Friday at 7 o'clock. Ages 10 to 12 years.

375 W. Church St. FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 75 IDEAL community store in northwest section dealing in sodas, drugs, sundaes and light groceries. Doing a thriving business. Complete equipment and up-to-date stock.

All saleable items, no dead stock. Will a sacrifice to quick buyer. Owner leaving town. Dial 2-0166. MILK ROUTE retailing 450 quarts daily, with complete pasteurizing equipment and truck.

Address E-605, Star-Gazette. RESTAURANT and gas stationMain highway. Attractive Spanish type building. Large fireplace. Modern rest rooms.

500 ft. frontage. Electricity, gas, hot water heat. With equipment $4,700. Adams, Turner Bldg.

2-0596. RESTAURANT for sale. Fully equipped, 'doing good business. Ovid, N. 6 miles from Sampson.

E. B. Smith, Box 63, Ovid. Phone 104-M. ROOMING HOUSE business with good income.

Sacrifice. Tenant leaving city. 7 Aspen Ridge, Dial 9019. cases, scales, 2 ice boxes, stoves, kerosene pump. House, 6 rooms down, bath, 7 rooms up, bath, includes 2 apartments.

Price $4,750. Ross, 5527. VETERAN wishes to buy business, direct from owner. Dial 8917. BANK LOANS- MORTGAGES 76 A BETTER MORTGAGE loan.

FHA plan, 20 years to pay. No application fees or commission charged by us. Brownlow Realtors. established 1911. Authorized mortgage loan brokers.

1064 W. Water" St. Dial 2. 2-3317. SECURE your home mortgage money in Elmira from your local Savings and Loan Association.

Prompt, convenient, direct service on FHA Loans. Veterans' Loans or any type home loans at the Valley Savings and Loan Association, 200 Water St. Phone 5116. FHA MORTGAGE LOANS Monthly payments for principal and interest, only $6.33 per $1,000. No commission or service fees charged by us.

Corcoran Burke, 133 W. Gray, Dial 2-4815; after 5, 2-0220. PERSONAL LOANS 12 Amt. of Charges You monthly: Note for year Receive Payments $120 7.20 $112.80 $10 240 14.40 225.60 20 360 21.60 338.40 30 600 36.00 564.00 50 WHY PAY MORE ELMIRA BANK TRUST COMPANY Main Office-150 Lake St. A MARINE MIDLAND BANK VETERANS CORCORAN BURKE Inc.

133 W. Gray St. Offer You One of the Best Home Loan Plans in Town Veterans Administration Guarantee WHY PAY MORE? Complete Information on Request You Total Monthly Borrow Payments $2,000 $12.12 3.000 18.18 4,000 24.24 5.000 30.30 6.000 36.36 Authorized representative of one of the largest, Savings Banks in Western New York. Payments made locally. LICENSED LENDERS Co.

local institution, 116 E. LOANS $25 to $300. Citizens Loan Water St. Dial 9731. LEG ALS NOTICE OF FILING ASSESSMENT ROLL WITH THE CITY CLERK TAKE NOTICE: The assessment roll for the City of Elmira, in the County of Chemung, for the year 1945, has been finally completed, and is filed in the office of the City Clerk, where the same will remain open to public inspection for fifteen days.

Dated this first day of October, 1945. MAX F. DENNIS, Assessor City of Elmira. oct1-10t-Z Notice is hereby given that License No. RL-14644 has been issued to the undersigned to sell wine, liquor, beer, cider under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at Tap House, 433 Carroll Elmira, Chemung County, N.

for premises consumption. Lafayette Moseson's, 459 E. Church Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y. s26-2tx Notice is hereby given that License No.

RL-15542 has been issued to the undersigned to sell wine, liquor, beer, under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at Riopka's Restaurant, 200 Horseheads Horseheads, Chemung County, N. for on premises consumption. Fannie Riopka, 200 Horseheads Horseheads, Che- DEATHS 00 Chemung County George H. Davidson, 80, 858 Franklin St. Survived by sons, Henry J.

of Niagara, Falls, Lt. George A. with S. Army; one granddaughter. The body is at Powers Funeral Athens.

Funeral Friday, 2 Horne, at the Germane Rev. Paul Evangelical P. Frohne. Church, Tioga ElPoint Cemetery, Athens, Patrick J. Butler, 331 W.

Washington Ave. Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1945. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Charles O'Hara, Mrs.

Howard Brown, Miss Kathleen Butler, all of Elmira; son, Edward F. of Newark, N. several grandchildren. The body is at the Justin McCarthy Funeral Home and Thursday afternoon will be removed to home of daughter, Mrs. O'Hara, 331 W.

Washington where funeral will be held Saturday, 9 a. 10 at St. Patrick's Church. SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery.

Funerals Mrs. Isabella Reidy Harris, 500 rE. Water St. Wednesday, 8 a.m. home, 9 at SS.

Peter and Paul's Church. Rev. William J. Naughton celebrated the Solemn High Requiem Mass, assisted by the Revs. J.

Edmund O'Brien and Joseph Merkel. Bearers: Dr. Henry Williman, Vincent Loughlin, Harry D. Kane, Clifford Coe, Randolph Lyon, Edward McCauley. SS.

Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Mrs. Victoria De Lario, 715 Junc- St. Wednesday, 8 a. m.

at family home, 9 at St. Anthony's Church. Rev. Albert Simonetti celebrated the Solemn High Requiem Mass, assisted by the Revs. Bernard Hickey and John O' Mara.

Bearers: Joseph Artuso, Anthony Celeste, Anthony Spallone, Barney DeMember, Raymond Rich a r.d Frank Cifelli. SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Mrs. Ada V.

Beers, 729 Southport St. Thursday, 2 p. at Wilson Funeral Home. Rev. C.

Wellington Hardy. Woodlawn Cemetery. Deaths Elsewhere Earl Louis Spencer of Wellsboro. Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1945.

Survived- by wife; sons, Llewelyn of Wellsboro, Jack, Harold James, Earl Thomas, Patrick, all at home; daughters, Mrs. June Howe, Mrs. Fern Howe, Marianne, all at home. Funeral Thursday, 9:30 a. St.

Peter's Catholic Church. Rev. Thomas Kelley. Wellsboro Cemetery, Seward A. Cady, 66, of Troupsburg.

Tuesday, Oct. 1945. Survived by wife, Mrs. Mable Sprague Cady; brothers, Reed W. of Lakemont, Sherman W.

Caledonia, Foster B. of Middletown; sister, Louise R. Weeks of Birmington, Canada; one aunt. Funeral Friday, 2 p. m.

at family home. Rev. C. E. Swearingen.

Burial at Knoxivlle, Perry Oliver Brown, 76, of Franklindale. Tuesday, 2, 1945. Survived wife; daughters, Mrs. Clause Alexander of Mt. Lake, Bertha Brown at Camp Atterbury, Mrs.

Gerald Arnold, Alice, Lucina, all of Powell; four grandchildren; brother, Burton of Montrose; sisters, Mrs. Alice Carpenter of Franklindale, Mrs. Olive Hatch of Binghamton. Funeral Friday, 2 p. m.

at the Franklindale Methodist Church. Burial at Powell. Mrs. Carrie M. Clark, 72, of Benton, N.

Y. Monday, Oct. 1, 1945. Survived by husband, Isaac Clark; son, Walter Clark of Penn Yan; daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Conley, Mrs.

Frank Conley, Mrs. John Hughes, all of Penn Yan; sisters, Mrs. W. H. Autman of Westfield, Mrs.

Ella V. Wrean brother, Dr. W. H. Phillips of Bath; eight grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren.

Funeral at 2 p. m. Thursday at Thayer Funeral Home, Penn Yan. Rev. E.

D. VanDyke. Lake View Cemetery, Penn Yan, Edward G. Featherman, 64, of Corning, formerly Survivedr Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1945.

by wife, the former Miss Ella Bigler; daughters, Mrs. John Reilly Corning, Mrs. Bernard Lochern of Elmira; sisters, Mrs. Emily Swartout of Pine City, Mrs. Henry Nowatski, and Miss Harriet Featherman of Rochester.

Funeral at home Friday afternoon. Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, Mrs. Bertha Taylor, 28, of Dundee. Monday, Oct. 1, 1945.

Survived by husband, Samuel Taylor; sons, George, Frank and Leon, at home; stepdaughter, Mrs. Martha Feeney of Rochester: stepsons, Eugene Taylor of Honeoye Falls, Samuel with U. S. Army in the Pacific. Funeral at 2 p.

m. Thursday at Hess Funeral Home, Dundee. Rev. Horace Pittman. Hillside Cemetery, Dundee.

Funerals Mrs. Thursday, Funeral Hiram Rural Sallie Sweet of Pulteney. 2 p. McConnell Home, Prattsburg. Rev.


Buell 211 W. GRAY ST. FLOWERS FROM Sheely Brothers 101 S. Walnut St. Phone 2-1105 Evenings Till 9 Sundays Till SMITH FUDGE FUNERAL DIRECTORS 360 W.


Elmira Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.