José Díaz-Balart Reports : MSNBCW : August 12, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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and we made it and we make it ic iconic altogether. >> i thought you might say hanging out with jimmy fallon. >> i think it was part of this >> president macron hanging out with jimmy fallon who was a co-host for that closing ceremony, just another iconic image from these olympics. >> thank you i just loved it so much. what a wonderful few weeks that does it for us today, i'll see you back tomorrow, same time, same place you can catch our show online around the clock on youtube and other platforms. for now i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york, josé diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now good morning 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific, i'm josé diaz-balart we start with new developments in the race for the white house. there is just one week until the democratic national convention in chicago

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sources familiar tell nbc news some of the top democrats set to address the convention include president biden, former presidents obama and clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton. all this as new polling shows a deeply competitive race between vice president harris and former president trump. harris polling four points ahead of trump in three key swing states michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. still, however, within the margin of error. joining us now, nbc news senior white house correspondent gabe gutierrez, nbc news correspondent dasha burns. gabe, with just one week until the dnc, the mood inside the h harris cam ppaign has to be onef optimism. >> reporter: kexuberant is the word i would use they say essentially we are back they watched the rollout of tim walz last week and they've seen the crowd sizes of the last several days i was at an event in detroit last week, thousands of people, and the harris campaign says that they want to maintain this momentum heading into the dnc.

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of course, the harris campaign is getting some criticism that the vice president has not sat down for a major interview or held a major press conference. the campaign says that she'll do that in due time, possibly by the end of the month at this point, they are, again, focusing on those crowds and focusing also on the rollout of some potential policy proposals. that's another criticism that so far the campaign hasn't really focused on any policy proposals thus far since vice president harris is now on top of the ticket on thursday, we are told for an official event that the white house describes will be talking about lowering costs for americans, so potentially more policies this week being rolled out in terms of the economy, jose >> and dasha, mean while former president is set to participate in an event with elon musk tonight. >> what to expect for that, i would say expect the unthe

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president -- the unexpected between those two characters we don't know where this could potentially go certainly will have a lot of eyes on it the last time elon musk did something like this with a high profile politician, you might remember the launch of florida governor ron desantis's campaign was notoriously glitchy. this, however, will be hosted on former president trump's x account. it will be at 8:00 p.m. tonight. it's an opportunity for the former president to connect with a new audience, a different kind of audience than the sort of more traditional conservative platforms that he's been on, and also illustrate the changing nature of silicon valley politics elon musk now supporting the former president, had been a critic in the past among others like peter thiel, david sachs, this is a change over the last four years or so where now the tech world, the crypto world is starting to lean a little bit more to the right than it had in

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the past, jose >> and dasha, meanwhile, it seems as though trump is so hyper focused on the sizes of crowds, he falsely accused the vice president of using ai to fabricate photos of crowds at her campaign events. what's going on? >> yeah, this is a sort of conspiracy that's been floating around on right wing social media accounts claiming that vice president harris is fabricating her crowds at rallies, at airports of course no merit to that, but as you know, the former president is big on crowd size he famously touts his own crowd sizes, sometimes embellished, and is seeing now this exuberance as gabe called it, on the democratic side that have been lacking for so many months and is looking at the polls as well, which we know are right now a little bit more favorable to democrats, although it's still a tight race and the trump campaign is still calibrating,

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re recalibrating how to take this on in these last however many days we've got until the election 80 something >> yep, 80 something is right. 5th of november. thank you both so very much. for more on this, i want to bring in victoria defrancesco soto, the dean of the clinton school of public service at the university of arkansas and former republican congressman carlos curbelo from florida. they are both msnbc political analysts so victoria, first with you, the new polling in three swing states shows some movements towards harris on issues among others of immigration. the vice president discussed the issue this weekend here's what we heard >> we know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it. comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. >> this is just almost carbon

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copy to what we've heard from president biden and others is this, victoria, enough? or does she have to define things even more >> jose, this is part of the strategy that vice president harris is going to have to weigh with regards to immigration. the other piece of it is highlighting that she is going to be strong, and during her rally in arizona, i loved how she came out and she asserted that she is part of those law enforcement officials that went after the bad actors that went after the drug cartels, the smugglers, the transnational gangs because for betters or worse, immigration has becomeli linked to the issue of crime we hear all of these terrible storys that highlight the crime component. for her to set up and say i'm going to -- the daca recipients,

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the path to citizenship. like how she's balancing. >> meanwhile trump's running mate, senator j.d. vance discussed trump's mass deportation plan here's some of what he said over the weekend. >> president trump is absolutely right. you cannot have a border unless you're willing to deport some people i think it's interesting that people focus on, well, how do you deport 18 million people let's start with 1 million that's where kamala harris has failed, and then we can go from there. >> so carlos, the trump campaign clearly doubling down on the issue of mass deportation. it seems as though the issue is here one side talks about it this way. the other side talks about it this way, but then the underlying reality is never really focused upon. >> well, that's true, jose, but the political center on immigration has moved toward republicans in the last three and a half years, and i really

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do think that when vice president harris actually has to sit down for interviews with people like you and others, it's going to be a tough issue for her. we've seen her struggle with it in the past. this is why donald trump and j.d. vance are going on offense on immigration they think they can't lose sure, they've adopt ed a very hard line years ago thatwould have been highly controversial but, because tlhere's been so much chaos at the boarderder, n lot of americans do agree with that hard line that's why trump and vance are going to highlight this issue as much as possible we'll see how harris deals with it when she sits down and meets the press. >> victoria, his first interview since exiting the race, president biden discussed how he made his decision to drop out from re-election listen to this >> what happened was a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the races, and i was concerned if i

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stayed in the race that would be the topic. you'd be interviewing about why did nancy pelosi say, and i thought it would be a real distraction. >> pretty remarkable, the president explaining why he decided to get out >> a lot of variables here i don't think that it was one alone. i mean, obviously it is very difficult to give up that quest for public service jose, you know this, that public service is the noblest of calling. it is something that elected officials, folks in the public arena, that is their fuel, and i think that that difficulty was letting go of that personal component but realizing that it was part of the larger good of public service for the -- that being one component of the decision to walk away. >> carlos, meanwhile, at this time trump only has one event o

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docketed this week he'll hold a rally in north carolina on wednesday. how unusual is this considering that very clearly the other side is on fire >> jose, it really seems that this switch from president biden to vice president harris leading the democratic ticket has really paralyzed the republican campaign they saw it coming for a while i think a lot of people saw it coming however, it's pretty clear that they were not prepared they're still figuring out which are the attacks that are going to work. the personal attacks that president trump has launched in recent weeks, they're clearly not working. that's not resonating. the attacks don't stick -- >> the funny thing, they're resonating to the negative. >> they're hurting him, that's right. this is a campaign in flux right now. they're figuring out how to go forward. they'll see what the theme that the democrats embrace are, right

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now it's a campaign that seems froze n in time. >> it would seem as if during this time, a week before a convention that it would be that the other side would do everything in their power to create some headlines and movement on their side before the convention begins. >> i think that's true but to underscore what carlos said, i think that they are so thrown off and that they're taking a beat, and that they're going to see how the democratic convention -- how it goes on because i think right now they understand that the democratic ticket is enjoying its honeymoon, and it can do counter programming. what they have seen is let this play out a little bit. let's regroup. let's huddle in our war room, and then strategize, because if there's one thing we know about the trump campaign is that they can be very tactical and very calculating. they need to settle, calm down

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i think there was a lot of emotion in that which quite frankly donald trump did not expect, and then i think following the democratic convention, we are going to see some very targeted lines of attack whether they stick or not is a different story. we're going to see a whole new portfolio of attack within a week. >> victoria defrancesco soto and ca carlos curbelo, thank you both now to new governments from former president trump this morning nbc news learning trump served the doj with a notice of intent to sue the justice department for $100 million in damaging over what he calls election interference the former president calls the fbi's search at mar-a-lago illegal and unconstitutional joining us with the latest is msnbc legal correspondent, lisa rubin. what do we know about this notification >> well, jose, former president trump intends to sue the department of justice for what he calls an unconstitutional raid at his home, mar-a-lago in

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august of 2022 that's a claim that largely has to be brought within a certain amount of time, and the way that the law works is, first, somebody who's making a claim against the federal government for damages has to serve a notice on the affected federal agency, here that's the department of justice, and then they give that federal agency an opportunity to respond if they don't respond within six months that person can initiate a suit this is donald trump's team to reclaim the narrative as you were just discussing in your last segment he's going to go on the defensive and say the department of justice unlawfully searched his home and owes him not just $100 million, $115 million for the cost that he incurred in defending himself and also $100 million in punitive damages for maliciously prosecuting him and ignoring his constitutional rights that's his allegation, jose. >> and so lisa, explain this to

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me just as far as paper wise, paperwork wise, so this is a statement of possible intention to file the justice department now have six months to respond, and if not, it doesn't mean that that process will go forward either way, right? >> well, ushually the person has an intent to recover those damages. obviously whether they get them from a court or ever see their day in court is another story entirely but the federal statute here that allows claimants, any ordinary citizen, you or i if i tripped or fell at west point, for example, would have to use the same process you have to notify the agency first. you have to give them an opportunity to resolve that claim with you either if they deny your claim or they don't respond in six months, that's when and only when you can initiate a federal lawsuit and federal courts for the damages you're seek. one other thing, jose, that i want to point out to you and our viewers. former president trump said he's

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owed $15 million for his legal costs. those are not costs we're not sure he paid personally but rather may have billed to his leadership pac save america. coming up, israel bracing for a retaliatory strike by iran that could come as soon as tonight, what the pentagon publicly announce overnight about moving u.s. ships to the region. more questions afternoon that plane crash in brazil that killed 62 people everybody on board died. we've got the latest on the investigation. and later, new developments in a shocking ruling that strips u.s. gymnast jordan chiles of her bronze medal we're back in 90ec sonds you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ♪ i am, said i ♪ ♪ and i am lost and i can't ♪ punch buggy red. ♪ even say why ♪ ♪ i am, i said ♪

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i'll get a second opinion. let's go! take charge of your treatment. if you can't lay your hand flat, visit to get started. 16 past the hour the u.s. is beefing up its military presence in the middle east as israel braces for retaliatory attacks after the assassination of senior hamas and hezbollah members. the pentagon has ordered a u.s. guided missile sub to the region and ordered the u.s.s. abraham lincoln to accelerate its transit to the area. after launching a deadly air strike on a school turned shelter over the weekend gaza civil defense officials say at least 100 were killed, a figure disputed by israel. nbc news international correspondent raf sanchez is with us this morning from tel aviv is this movement by the u.s. a sign that a retaliatory strike by iran could come any minute

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now? zp >> reporter: israel is certainly bracing for an iranian military attack imminently, potentially as early as tonight as the jewish holiday of tish bov here in israel. that would be in response to the killing of hamas's political chief ishmael taniya in the capital city of tehran two weeks ago. one that it has vowed to take revenge for. for two weeks, israel's military has been on high alert, earlier today, the israeli air force issued a ban on any of its pilots leaving the country they want all of their air force officers inside of israel available for duty in the event that there is a major escalation, and as you mentioned, jose, it is not just the israeli military that is preparing. it is the american military

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also defense secretary lloyd austin speaking to his israeli counterpart over the weekend and following that call, he gave the order for that aircraft carrier, the u.s.s. abraham lincoln to set sail full steam ahead for the middle east, you're seeing on your screen an american subma submarine. the pentagon also announcing that a missile submarine will be heading to the region, and that is unusual, jose, because the united states does not usually talk about the location of its submarine forces so this is a message of deterrence to iran trying to dissuade the iranian leadership from moving ahead with that strike, but it is also about making sure that there are ample american forces in the region if they are called upon to intercept an incoming wave of what could be potentially ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones fired by iran toward israel jose. >> raf sanchez in tel aviv, thank you. up next, what we are learning about the victims in

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brazil's horrifying plane crash when it killed everyone on board when it suddenly just dropped from the sky. and new reporting about the u.s., it may be secretly offering venezuelan leader maduro as the world questions the legitimacy of the espridential elections there you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes... ...and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment.

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i came to bayview hunter's point, where there was only one pediatrician to serve more than 10,000 children. daniel lurie said, i'm going to help. we opened a clinic for our most vulnerable children. i have worked shoulder to shoulder with him as we have brought solutions where people thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco. 24 past the hour, this morning more severe weather in

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the forecast after tropical storm debby inundated east coast with historic rainfall right now tropical storm advisories are in effect for puerto rico and the virgin islands as a potential tropical cyclone 5 churns east of antigua. the forecast to intensify into a tropical storm ernesto as early as today according to the national hurricane center bringing a storm surge of up to 10 inches of rainfall to puerto rico ernesto could become a powerful hurricane after but it's not expected to bring any threat to the u.s. mainland. and now to brazil where there are new details about that horrifying plane crash on friday that killed all 62 people on board. i want to warn you, the video of this crash is disturbing officials say the black boxes from the plane are now being analyzed to try and discover what led to this crash among the victims we know, there were at least eight physicians on board, four professors, telemundo reporting three of the victims were a grandmother, her daughter, and her 4-year-old

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grandchild from venezuela. joining us now is nbc news senior correspondent tom costello tom, good morning, so this is -- like when you see that video, it's horrifying, but it was almost like a slow motion drop what did you see there, and what are investigators looking at >> what you see there clearly lost in a lift, aerodynamic stall, the question is why, and the leading theory at the moment -- it is only a theory -- but the possibility is they hit ice at altitude and the icing on the wings in theory would have been a weight that suddenly ca caused them to fall. brazilian authorities say they

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have been able to extract the necessary data from both black boxes. that's going to be important the flight data recorder records every second of how the engines are performing, of how the wings are performing, if there's any concern at all that is picked up by the automatted flight control systems. that would be registered in the flight data recorder these two black boxes could be critical to telling investigates what the crew thought they were dealing with at the time were they dealing with a cascade of issues, not just one but multiple failures. and as you know, jose, over the years, so often it's not one thing that causes a fatal crash. it's multiple things, a chain of events that line up and cause fatal accidents. so all of that's going to be a part of this investigation the brazilian military and the brazilian crash investigators are very experienced in crash investigations, and most outside experts i talk to say the brazilian crash investigators

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are pretty good. so they are expecting and promising that -- excuse me, that they will have a preliminary report within 30 days >> tom costello, thank you very much appreciate it, my friend >> you bet turning now to new reporting about how the u.s. is approaching venezuela, disputed presidential election. "the wall street journal" reports, quote, the u.s. has discussed pardons for maduro and top lieutenants of his who face justice department indicts said three people familiar with the biden administration's deliberation the "washington post" reports rather than taking the lead in pushing maduro to step down and threatening sanctions if he refuses, the current mrs administration has placed its hopes in the triad of latin american governments to persuade him to yield so far efforts of the presidents of mexico, colombia, and brazil, all of whom have relatively stable relations with maduro appear to have achieved little

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it comes as maduro called the opposition leader a terrorist and a fugitive of justice. joining us now, samantha schmidt, bogota bureau chief for "the washington post." thank you so much for being with us today what more did you learn about the u.s. strategy and what they're trying to accomplish vis-a-vis svenezuela? >> what we understand is there's not yet anofficer proposed to myrr maduro there are many things on the table the u.s. is considering offering him as incentives among those options are the potential lifting of indictments against him and some of his allies and inner circle. the u.s. also wants to allow latin american countries to take the lead on these negotiations because there is an ongoing effort between mexico, brazil, and especially colombia to get maduro to the table. they also have their proposals

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and their offers that they're considering. this week could be a crucial kroz crossroads for this. and there is a hope there is a meeting between these latin american president this is week. >> these latin american presidents that have had as the post says quite close relations with maduro in the past. meanwhile, there is more fear, more repression in venezuela what's the latest on the ground there? >> maduro hillsmself and his government boast of more than 2,000 detentions we know of at least 23 at the times. m -- deaths, many of those in protests people have had their passports annulled there is a crackdown on the use of whatsapp and maduro is banning x as well. there's just a great deal of fear, and the opposition, their local leaders at the regional level have, you know,

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increasingly been arrested and been detained, so clearly maduro is cracking down right now, and that does not bode well for the momentum of the opposition >> samantha schmidt, it's really great to see you i thank you for being with us this morning >> thank you, jose. up next, donald trump says his presidential campaign was hacked by iran we'll talk to a former top fbi official about what this means for both candidates from now until november. plus, the economic policy both the trump and harris campaigns agree on, but how much would it help voters we'll explain next profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. (woman) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. (kevin) man, the fish tacos are blowing up! (aaron) so whatever's next we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. nothing dims my light

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35 past the hour former president trump's campaign said over the weekend it had been hacked by an iranian group in june. nbc news has now independently verified the hack, which was first report bid "politico" or where it originated. "politico" said it began receiving an email from an account sharing internal documents from the trump campaign including research papers on two contenders to be trump's running mate, among them senator j.d. vance the trump campaign spokesperson said these documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the united states intended to interfere with the 2024 election and create chaos throughout our democratic process with us to talk more about this is frank figliuzzi, former fbi assistant director for counterintelligence and an msnbc

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national security analyst. always great seeing you. so iran is the same country that has allegedly ordered a hit on trump and other americans. it funds hamas, hezbollah, the houthis, also represses its own people how probable is it that they could be behind this hack? >> i have a relatively high degree of confidence, jose, that this was likely iran, but the smoking gun's not there yet skpshsand we have to emphasize that. as you said, iran has both the motive and the means, the capability in the cyberworld to pull this off. they've done similar things in the 2020 election. they want trump not only eliminated from this race but actually eliminated altogether and, yes, there have been plots. we know this from the butler, pennsylvania, rally where secret service came out and said, you know, we actually have enhanced security on trump because of an iranian plot to assassinate him.

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why? because trump ordered the missile strike that killed the kuds force general when he's touched down in baghdad. iran is very upset about that and will seek revenge. we also had warnings, warnings just in the last week and the last month both from microsoft's threat assessment program that says that they saw this about to h happen they're very careful about saying which of the nominees they say they notified the nominee, the targeted person that he was being attacked by specifically the iranian ir kb gc, and we've had the u.s. government tell us that they're seeing iran trying to interfere with our elections in the cyberworld so the question then is now what the fbi needs to thoroughly investigate this i'm calling for the trump campaign to fully cooperate with any investigation of this hack,

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and i'm dislmayed by some of the public's reaction around this. i understand this, they say they can't believe anything that comes out of the trump campaign. i get that, but what saddens me is as a national service person, if we confirm iran has attacked our election system, we need to rally thaand call that out agai a common enemy. >> how do you protect our different institutions, you know, the harris campaign, the trump campaign, everybody else from this kind of attack >> you know, dhs and fbi are available for consultation on the best means of security, but they're not in the private consulting business. so i urge after all this history we've had with hillary clinton's emails and the dnc emails previously being hacked into by russia, these campaigns have got to get topnotch i.t. cybersecurity consultants on

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board. is it expensive? yes. is it worth it of course. >> yeah, and i mean, there are so many other players interest instead affect the american elections. i mean, i'm thinking cuba, china, russia. how is the u.s. protecting itself from all of them? >> yeah, the good news -- it's cyber security agency which did stellar work in the last election in a battle every day with foreign adversaries and others including terrorist organizations unimpacted by cyber interference they did it well, they can do it again, but this is a wake-up call for everybody that we've got a new player in u.s. elections, and that's adversaries who want to tell us how to think, tell us how to vote, and then impact the vote >> frank figliuzzi, thank you so very much. really appreciate it. former president trump and vice president harris don't agree on much, but one thing

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they now agree on is getting rid of tax on tips >> when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families of america. [ cheers and applause including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> i'm also doing no tax on tips no tax on tips so waiters, waitresses, caddies, people that drive cars, people that get tips who have been harassed by this government, we're going to have no tax on tips that's a big thing >> after the vice president made her announcement, trump took to his social media site to accuse her of stealing the idea from him. with us now is cnbc's dominic chu. good morning no tax on tips seems pretty

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clear. it's a couple of word sentence that everybody can understand. what could it mean if it is implemented? >> so this is the big deal right now. i mean, first of all, if both vice president harris and former president trump can agree on it, could it actually become a reality no matter who's in the white house come the next term that's the big issue, and that actually remains to be seen because it would literally take an act of congress to make something like that, to make that sort of change happen for our u.s. tax code. the concept is obviously one that has a lot of appeal to both republicans and democrats and could be that next step in both sides trying to curry favor with service based employees in the american electorate. now, trump says that harris, of course, is just trying to draft off something he proposed back in june when he floated that idea harris doing the same thing in las vegas ironically enough just this past weekend. the culinary workers union gave their endorsem*nt to vice president harris this past

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friday trump wasting no time in making sure that, you know, everybody knows that he's just trying to copycat him. this proposal will resonate with people who work in the tip-based industries, but according to data from the irs, the internal revenue service, back in 2018, roughly $38 billion was reported as actual gratuity compensation. the issue becomes would a tax collecting shortfall that results from not taxing those tips be good or bad for the federal budget, especially because there is so much focus on the ballooning deficit and national debt levels then there's also the question about loopholes, and the confines from which how you define those tips. could other employees on wall street or elsewhere in service type industries, they don't actually make anything, lose those tip compensations as part of their things, as part of their compensation, jose this becomes a big issue, if you're going to do this, there's got to be a lot of loopholes

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you're going to cover up. >> dominic chu, thank you so very much. up next, what never before seen video is revealing about the police response the day of the deadly uvalde school shooting two years ago you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. se policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call

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for medicare patients than dexcom g7. don't wait! call now, and talk to a real person. 48 past the hour we're now getting a never before seen look at what happened more than two years ago in the mass shooting at robb elementary

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school in uvalde, texas, the city of uvalde has released new video footage and 911 calls after a lawsuit by nbc news and other news organizations 19 students and two teaches were killed in that mass shooting in 2022 nbc news correspondent priscilla thompson joins us now from houston with more. good morning, what are we learning from this new footage >> reporter: well, jose, we now know that a man identifying himself as the shooter's uncle called 911 and begged to allow them to talk to the gunman, to try to talk him down, but by then it was already too late and we're also getting a glimpse at that moment when officers finally entered that classroom and a warning that some of the audio and video you're about to see is disturbing. >> newly released body cam video from the robb elementary school shooting appears to capture the moment officers took down the uvalde gunman in a barrage of

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bullets. >> watch the kids. >> reporter: footage from the day, some blurred or redacted from the city also showing the chaotic aftermath as panicked officers rushed to get children out of those classrooms. >> she's still alive >> and administer aid after 77 minutes in the hallway waiting to confront the gunman >> everybody that's a medic. out, out. >> reporter: the release due to a court order after a lawsuit from a media coalition including nbc news among the material desperate 911 calls. >> there is a guy with a gun, right behind the campus! >> reporter: including this recording from a man identifying himself as the shooter's uncle. >> he's my nephew, ma'am he's the does listen to me. >> do you know of any change in his behavior over the last couple days. >> no, no, no. nothing. he just said that he said that he was mad and that his grandma sally was bugging him too much. >> reporter: a person

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identifying herself as the shooter's cousin calling 911. >> the active shooter he's my cousin and i don't want him to come to the house. >> reporter: the release comes as two officers on the ground that day where 19 children and two teachers were murdered face criminal charges former uvalde school police chief pete arredondo charged with ten counts of abandoning and endangering a child, one count for each of the surviving children in the classrooms a second officer adrian gonzalez faces 29 counts which includes the children who died. >> i've been scape goaded from the beginning. >> reporter: they have both pleaded not guilty the public seeing for the first time crucial moments from that heartbreaking day. and this is the most substantial re's of materials in the more than two years since the shooting happened. it also included a report from an officer who heard a m woman who identified herself as a

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family member of the good morning gunman saying the night before he wanted to die by suicide and she attempted to talk him out of it jose >> thank you so very much. just think 77 minutes, how long the officers were outside that door thank you. up next, olympic controversy how usa gymnastics is fighting to stop the international ympic committee from taking jordan chiles' bronze medal. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs

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56 past the hour the paris olympics came to a close last night cately ledecky and rower nick meade carried the flag for team usa in the ceremony that featured tom cruise actually jumping off the stadium's roof to pass the olympic flag to los angeles for the 2028 games yesterday team usa saw more gold in women's soccer and men's and women's basketball to come out on top with 126 medals, the u.s. over china for the most gold it comes as the controversy grows over the women's gymnastic floor exercise final, the international olympic committee is asking team usa's jordan chiles to return her bronze medal. nbc's emilie ikeda joins us now. what is going on here? >> hey there, jose you can imagine the emotional

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whiplash jordan chiles' has faced. within the last week she went from scoring fifth place for her floor routine, to then after an appeal getting third place and earning that bronze medal because her coach appealed her difficulty scores saying the judges under credited. that was unsuccessful. there was another appeal from romania and that took her back olympic officials reinstating her original fifth place score she's fifth, third, fifth. a really difficult and eventful several days for all of the athletes involved here usa gymnastics appealing saying they submitted a letter to the international entities as well as video evidence thatshows that her coach appealed within the one-minute requirement and so -- and again that appeal had initially been successful. what it came down to and why the ioc is saying she needs to return her bonds medal is because her coach appealed four seconds late, four seconds after the one-minute deadline.

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usa gymnastics saying they have video evidence proving otherwise. jordan chiles and then the romanian athlete who now will get bronze according to the ioc ana barbosu, what they've been through. a lot of them facing online bullying and a lot of negative rhetoric online in the wake of this kind of back and forth. people running to both of these athletes' defenses ana barbosu posting on social media saying, jordan, my thoughts are with you. i know very well how much it hurts because i have been through the same feelings in the appeal from romania by the way they had asked that jordan chiles not be stripped of her bronze medal but both of the athletes in the situation to get a bronze medal that, obviously, was not granted. it's not clear how long it will take for the international entity to respond to the u.s.'s appeal here, but it's a difficult time and jordan chiles says she's taking time off of social media to focus on her mental health. >> emilie ikeda thank you so

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much an incredible sight in the skies overnight. check out this picture taken by twitch streamer pk this morning in butler, pennsylvania. it's the northern lights making a colorful appearance in the middle of the perseid meteor shower that runs from mid-july through august another picture of that show from connecticut perseid me tors can travel 132 miles an hour. nasa says least a good chance you can see the me tteors tonig. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart reach me on social media at jd balart and watch clips online at youtube and thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," vice president harris gaining in key battleground polls, riding a wave of enthusiasm, while

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