Plain facts for old and young: embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life (2024)

" . llink("#pix">ix-xx") . "


" . llink("#p21">21-32") . "

subhead("INTRODUCTION.");p("Objections considered — Is knowledge dangerous? — When shall information be given? — How to impart proper knowledge — Eminent testimony ");

" . llink("#p33">33-38") . "

" . llink("#c1">Ch. 1") . "

subhead("SEX IN LIVING FORMS.");p("Living beings — Microscopic life — Animals and vegetables — Protoplasm — Life force — Life and organization — Life force a mystery");

" . llink("#p39">39-78") . "

" . llink("#c2">Ch. 2") . "

subhead("REPRODUCTION.");p("Reproduction common to all living things — Spontaneous generation — Germs — Origin of life — Simplest form of generation — Low forms of life — Sex — Hermaphrodism — Sex in plants — Sex in animals — Other sexual ifferences — Men and women differ in form — The male and the female brain — Vital organs of man and woman — Woman less muscular, more enduring — A pathological difference — Why a woman does not breathe like a man — The eproductive elements — Sexual organs of [[Page x") . "]] plants — Vegetable husbands — Polygamous flowers — The female organs of flowers — Sexual organs of animals — The spermatozoon — Spermatozoa — The ovum — Ovulation — Fecundation — Fecundation in flowers — Natural adaptations — Curious modes of fecundation in animals — Union of the ovum and zoosperm — Curious modes of reproduction — Parthenogenesis — Human beings are developed buds — Complemental males — Development — Unprotected development — Partial protection of the ovum — Development in the higher animals and man — The uterus — Gestation, or pregnancy — The primitive trace — Curious relation to lower animals — Simplicity of early structures — The stages of growth — Duration of gestation — Uterine life — How the unborn infant breathes — Parturition, or childbirth — Changes in the child at birth — Nursing");

" . llink("#p79">79-108") . "

" . llink("#c3">Ch. 3") . "

subhead("ANATOMY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS.");p("Male organs — The prostate gland — Female organs — Puberty — Causes which delay puberty — Influence of diet on puberty — A caution — Brunettes precocious — Remarkable precocity — Premature development occasions early decay — Early puberty a cause for anxiety — Changes which occur at puberty — Menstruation — Nature of menstruation — Extra-uterine pregnancy — Twins — Superfetation — Monsters — Strange freaks of development — Hybrids — Law of sex — Controlling sex — Heredity — Pangenesis — Gemmules — Circumcision — Castration — Spaying");

" . llink("#p109">109-116") . "

" . llink("#c4">Ch. 4") . "

subhead("SEXUAL HYGIENE.");p("Sexual precocity — Astonishing ignorance — Premature passion — Inherited passion — Various causes of sexual precocity — Senilesensuality — Satyriasis");

" . llink("#p117">117-157") . "

" . llink("#c5">Ch. 5") . "

subhead("MARRIAGE.");p("Time to marry — Application of the law of heredity — Early marriage — Mutual adaptation — A dangerous doctrine — Disparity of age — A domestic purgatory — Courtship — Courtship in France — A Jewish custom — An immoral custom — Prevailing customs of evil tendency — Long courtships — Advice about getting married — Flirtation — Youthful flirtations — Polygamy — A defense of polygamy — Arguments of polygamists answered — Polyandry — Queer family arrangements — Divorce — Who may not marry — Physical influence of marriage — Diseased persons should not marry — Should cousins marry? — Deformed persons should not marry — Criminals should not marry — Inter-marriage of races not advisable — Improvident persons should not marry --Reformed rakes");

" . llink("#p158">158-168") . "

" . llink("#c6">Ch. 6") . "

subhead("CONTINENCE.");p("Continence not injurious — Continence does not produce impotence — A hint from lower animals — Difficulty of continence — Helps to continence — The will — Diet — Exercise — Bathing — Religion");

" . llink("#p169">169-198") . "

" . llink("#c7">Ch. 7") . "

subhead("UNCHASTITY.");p("Mental unchastity — Mental uncleanness — Amativeness — Filthy dreams — Unchaste conversation — Foul gossip — Causes of unchastity — Libidinous blood — Early causes — Diet versus chastity — Clerical lapses — Tobacco and vice — Obscene books — The work of Mr. Comstock — Sentimental literature — "Religious novels" — A modern plague — Idleness — Dress and sensuality — How young women fall — Fashion and vice — Reform in dress needed — Fashionable dissipation — The influence of luxury — Round dances — A woman's view of dancing — Physical causes of unchastity — Constipation — Intestinal worms — Local uncleanliness — Irritation of the bladder — Leucorrhoea — Modern modes of life — Nervous irritability");

" . llink("#p199">199-230") . "

" . llink("#c8">Ch. 8") . "

subhead("THE SOCIAL EVIL.");p("Unchastity in ancient times — Egyptian vice — Religious debaucheries in Phoenicia-Prostitution in repute in Greece — Caligula, Messalina, Vitellius, Nero, — State of modern society — Pall Mall Gazette exposures — "The maiden tribute of modern Babylon" — Responsibility of mothers — Causes of the social evil — Precocious sexuality — Man's lewdness — Fashion — Lack of early training — Poverty — Ignorance — Disease — Nymphomania — Results of licentiousness — Thousands of victims — Effects of vice ineradicable — The only hope — Hereditary effects of venereal disease — Origin of the foul disease — Cure of the social evil — Prevention the [[Page xiii") . "]] only cure — Early training — The White Cross Army — Teach self-control — Mental culture — Early associations");

" . llink("#p231">231-261") . "

" . llink("#c9">Ch. 9") . "

subhead("SOLITARY VICE.");p("Alarming prevalence of the vice — Testimony of eminent authors — Not a modern vice — Victims of all ages — Unsuspected rottenness — Causes of the habit — Evil associations — Corruption in schools — Wicked nurses — Not an uncommon case — The instructor in vice — Local disease — An illustrative case — Other physical causes — Influence of stimulants — Scythians — Sexual perversion — Signs of self-abuse — Suspicious signs — General debility — Early symptoms of consumption — Premature and defective development — Sudden change of disposition — Lassitude — Dullness — Sleeplessness — Failure of mental capacity — Fickleness — Untrustworthiness — Love of solitude — Bashfulness — Unnatural boldness — Mock piety — Timidity — Confusion of ideas — Round shoulders — Weak back — Paralysis — Gait — Bad positions — Deficient development — Capricious appetite — Perverted appetite — Use of tobacco — Palor — Pimples — Biting finger nails — Lusterless eyes — Moist, cold hands — Palpitation — Hysteria — Chlorosis — Epilepsy — Enuresis — Positive signs");

" . llink("#p262">262-289") . "

" . llink("#c10">Ch. 10") . "

subhead("RESULTS OF SECRET VICE.");p("Effects in males — Local effects — Urethral irritation — Stricture — Enlarged prostate — Urinary diseases — Priapism — Piles — Hypospadias — Extension of irritation — Wasting of the testes — Varico- [[Page xiv") . "]] cele — Nocturnal emissions — Exciting causes — Are occasional emissions necessary or harmless? — Emissions not necessary to health — Eminent testimony — Diurnal emissions — Causes of diurnal emissions — Internal emissions — An important caution — Spermatorrhoea — Impotence — General effects — General debility — Consumption — Dyspepsia — Heart disease — Throat affections — Nervous diseases — Epilepsy — Failure of special senses — Spinal irritation — Insanity — Idiocy — A victim's mental condition pictured — Effects in females — Local effects — Leucorrhoea — Uterine Pruritis, or itching genitals — Nocturnal ejacul*tion in females — General effects — Spinal irritation — A common cause of hysteria — Effects upon offspring — Neglect dangerous");

" . llink("#p290">290-327") . "

" . llink("#c11">Ch. 11") . "

subhead("TREATMENT OF SELF-ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS.");p("Prevention of secret vice — Cultivate chastity — Timely warning — Early instruction — A dark picture — Curative treatment of the effects of self-abuse — Cure of the habit — Cure of the habit in children — Cure of the habit in adults — A curative operation — How may a person help himself? — Hopeful courage — General regimen and treatment — Mental and moral treatment — Control of the thoughts — Exercise — Diet — Sleeping — Dreams — Can dreams be controlled? — Bathing — Improvement of general health — Prostitution as a remedy — Marriage — Local treatment — The warm sitz bath — The ascending douche — The abdominal band[[Page xv") . "]]age — The wet compress — Hot and cold applications to the spine — Local fomentations — Local cold bathing — The enema — Electricity — Internal applications — Use of electricity — Circumcision — Impotence — Varicocele — Treatment of the disease in women — Drugs, rings, etc. — Quacks — Closing advic");

" . llink("#p328">328-374") . "

" . llink("#c12">Ch. 12") . "

subhead("A CHAPTER FOR BOYS.");p("Genuine boys — Human mushrooms — "What are boys for"? — Boys the hope of the world — Man, the masterpiece — How a noble character is formed — How a noble character is ruined — A wonderful machine — What the microscope reveals — The nutritive apparatus — The moving apparatus — The thinking and feeling apparatus — The purifying apparatus — The reproductive apparatus — The down-hill road — Self-abuse — A dreadful sin — Self-murderers — What makes boys dwarfs — Scrawny, hollow-eyed boys — Old boys — What makes idiots — Young dyspeptics — A cause of consumption — The race ruined by boys — Cases illustrating the effects of self-abuse — Two young wrecks — A prodigal youth — Barely escaped — A lost soul — The results of one transgression — A hospital case — An old offender — The sad end of a young victim — From bad to worse — An indignant father — Disgusted with life — Bad company — Bad language — Bad books — Vile pictures — Evil thoughts — Influence of other bad habits — Liquor and tobacco — Bad diet — Closing advice to boys and young men");

" . llink("#p375">375-383") . "

" . llink("#c13">Ch. 13") . "

subhead("A CHAPTER FOR YOUNG MEN.");p("Pure manners — Irreligion — Wrong ideas about women — Sowing wild oats — Getting married — Self-preparation — Caution — Avoid a devotee of fashion — The young husband");

" . llink("#p384">384-394") . "

" . llink("#c14">Ch. 14") . "

subhead("A SHORT CHAPTER FOR OLD MEN.");p("The period of decline — Moderation required — Economizing of vitality — A dangerous waste — Extreme disparity of ages — Exhaustive effects of the sexual act — Found dead — Repugnant to nature — A somber perspective — Children of old men — Senile lovelaces — Cicero on old age — Love in old age — Brutish lasciviousness — Nature's punishment — The career of a debauchee — Human satyrs — A case in point");

" . llink("#p395">395-421") . "

" . llink("#c15">Ch. 15") . "

subhead("A CHAPTER FOR GIRLS.");p("Girlhood — How to develop beauty and loveliness — The human form divine — A wonderful process — Human buds — How beauty is marred — A beauty-destroying vice — Terrible effects of secret vice — The cause of break-downs — "The little health of women" — Remote effects — Causes which lead girls astray — Vicious companions — Whom to avoid — Sentimental books — Novel-reading — Various causes — Modesty woman's safeguard — A few sad cases — A pitiful case — A mind dethroned — [[Page xvii") . "]] — A penitent victim — A ruined girl — Danger in boarding-schools — A desperate case — A last word");

" . llink("#p422">422-424") . "

" . llink("#c16">Ch. 16") . "

subhead("A FEW WORDS TO BOYS AND GIRLS.");p("The men and women of the next generation — Association of the sexes proper — Responsibility of parents and teachers — "Small talk" — The true boy a gentleman everywhere — The true girl a lady at home — "Have the heart right, and then act natural"");

" . llink("#p425">425-438") . "

" . llink("#c17">Ch. 17") . "

subhead("A CHAPTER FOR YOUNG WOMEN.");p("Puberty — Symptoms of puberty — Hygiene of puberty — A critical period — Important hints — Evils of excitement — Improper occupations — Custom of Indian women — Criminal carelessness — Recklessness — Regularity of habits — Advice of Boerhaave — Tight-lacing — Other perils — Bad social customs — "Fast girls" — Improper liberties — Getting a husband — On old maids-An "incumbrance" — Personal worth — Maidenly reserve");

" . llink("#p439">439-452") . "

" . llink("#c18">Ch. 18") . "

subhead("CHAPTER FOR WIVES AND MOTHERS.");p("How to treat a husband — Wives' rights — The young mother — Pregnancy — Signs of pregnancy — Quickening — Leucorrhoea — The curse removed — Important suggestions — A Hayti mother — Ante-natal influences — Law universal — A source of crime A bad family — The "Juke" family — A physiological [[Page xviii") . "]] fact — Something for parents to consider — The origin of evil — How to beget sound children");

" . llink("#p453">453-456") . "

" . llink("#c19">Ch. 19") . "

subhead("HYGIENE FOR WOMEN IN ADVANCED LIFE.");p("Change of life — When the change occurs — Physical changes — Nervousness — Flushings — Perspirations — Night sweats — Morbid growths — Tumors of the womb — Cancer — Lacerations — Urethral inflammations — Hygiene of the menopause — Cause of suffering at the menopause — How to prevent suffering");

" . llink("#p467">457-506") . "

" . llink("#c20">Ch. 20") . "

subhead("A CHAPTER FOR MARRIED PEOPLE.");p("Object of the reproductive functions — The sexual function in lower animals — Periodical reproduction — A lesson from instinct — Summary of important facts — A hint from nature — Some valuable opinions — Results of excesses — Effects upon husbands — Consequences of excess — Continence of athletes — Cause of throat disease — A cause of consumption — Prostatic troubles — Effect on wives — An illustrative case — Something for husbands to consider — The greatest cause of uterine disease — Legalized murder — Accidental pregnancies — Indulgence during menstruation — Effects upon offspring — Indulgence during pregnancy — Effect upon the character — Other limitations — A selfish objection — Brutes and savages more considerate — What may be done? — Early Moderation — Prevention [[Page xix") . "]] of conception — Conjugal Onanism — "Male continence" — Shaker views — The Oneida community — Moral bearings of the question — Unconsidered — murders — The charge disputed — Difficulties — Woman's rights — What to do — A compromise");

" . llink("#p507">507-521") . "

" . llink("#c21">Ch. 21") . "

subhead("INFANTICIDE AND ABORTION.");p("Not a modern crime — Causes of the crime — The nature of the crime — Instruments of crime — Results of this unnatural crime — An unwelcome child — The remedy — Murder by proxy");

" . llink("#p522">522-556") . "

" . llink("#c22">Ch. 22") . "

subhead("DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN.");p("Causes of disease among women — Carelessness at menstruation — Sexual sins — Neglect of the bowels — Drugging and doctoring — Errors in dress — A muddled professor — Diseases of women — General suggestions — Leucorrhoea, or whites — Vaginitis — Vaginismus — Uterine catarrh — Inflammation of the womb — Ulceration of the womb — Amenorrhoea, or suppressed menstruation — Scanty menstruation — Menorrhagia — Hemorrhage from the womb — Dysmenorrhoea — Ovarian irritation — Inflammation of the ovaries — Cellulitis — Prolapsus, or falling of the womb — Pessaries, or supporters — Other forms of displacement — Prolapsus of the ovaries — Rectocele — Cystocele, or prolapsus of the bladder — Sterility — Nymphomania — Hysterical breast — Painful sitting — Dyspareunia, or painful connection — Urethral tumors — Bladder disorders Constipation — Chlorosis, or green sickness — [[Page xx") . "]] Lacerations at childbirth — Vesico-and retro-vagin*l fistula — Tumors of the womb — Cancer of the womb — Deficient development of the womb and ovaries — Ovarian tumor — Stricture of the neck of the womb — Floating tumor — Relaxed abdomen — Imperforate hymen — Tumor of the breast — Cancer of the breast — Hysteria");

" . llink("#p557">557-592") . "

" . llink("#c23">Ch. 23") . "

subhead("DISEASES PECULIAR TO MEN.");p("Spermatorrhoea — False spermatorrhoea — Seminal weakness, or nocturnal losses — Diurnal losses — Diseased prostate — Stricture — Balanitis-Venereal warts — Phimosis — Paraphimosis — Hydrocele — Varicocele — Impotence — Sterility — Gonorrhoea — Chancroid — Syphilis");

" . llink("#p593">593-638") . "

" . llink("#c24">Ch. 24") . "

subhead("GENERAL HEALTH HINTS.");p("Hygiene of the muscles — Spring biliousness — The tobacco bondage — A healthy smell — Clothing of children — Capnizomania — Popular medical education — Depraved appetites — Hygiene of old age — Mouth-breathing — Coffee and dyspepsia — About water filters — Barricading against fresh air");

" . llink("#p639">639-652") . "

" . llink("#c25">Ch. 25") . "

subhead("ONE HUNDRED CHOICE HEALTH THOUGHTS.");p("Health is wealth — Air bathing — Function of pain — Test for impure water — How to purify the blood — An error about running water — Damp beds — Tea and temper — Physical culture — Disposal of garbage — Purifying the blood — Stomach "goneness" — Nervous dyspepsia — Smoking a cause of consumption and Bright's disease — Coffee poisoning — Diet for diabetics — The Wilford Hall Secret, etc.");

" . llink("#p652">652-660") . "

" . llink("#c26">Ch. 26") . "


Plain facts for old and young: embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.