Quick Muffler Inc Commercial Insurance Report (2024)

Insurance Xdate > Reports > TN > Quick Muffler Inc

Commercial Insurance Overview

Quick Muffler Inc is based in Williamson county in Tennessee. They operate in the Services industry, specifically in Auto Exhaust System Repair Shops, which is a low risk industry. It is worth putting effort into risk management to be able to leave the Assigned Risk pool.

They have been with the same worker's comp carrier for the last 2 years. We have coverage data for them in a single state.

The LCM is the rate that is applied to a carrier, representing the risk covered by that carrier. The current carrier's LCM is 1.100. An LCM of 1.100 is pretty good. More details on how it compares can be seen below. The (LCM) that they are with increased by 5% which is a significant shift. It is worth investigating why.

Premium Comparison

This chart represents the range and distribution that carriers are charging per $100 of payroll for businesses similar to Quick Muffler Inc. This can give you an idea of what carriers might best fit your business.


Erie Ins Grp
Pol Rate: 1.50 Med. LCM: 1.50
32117 Businesses 2242

Berkshire Hathaway Grp
Pol Rate: 2.20 Med. LCM: 2.20
25207 Businesses 6534

Hartford Fire & Cas Grp
Pol Rate: 1.91 Med. LCM: 1.91
$1.91 87%
22158 Businesses 2305

Travelers Grp
Pol Rate: 1.32 Med. LCM: 1.32
14924 Businesses 1409

Amtrust Ngh Grp
Pol Rate: 1.85 Med. LCM: 1.85
13877 Businesses 1630

State Farm Grp
Pol Rate: 2.09 Med. LCM: 2.09
5438 Businesses 624

Selective Ins Grp
Pol Rate: 3.03 Med. LCM: 3.03
5406 Businesses 336

Markel Corp Grp
Pol Rate: 2.06 Med. LCM: 2.06
$2.06 2%
5380 Businesses 375

Proassurance Corp Grp
Pol Rate: 1.65 Med. LCM: 1.65
5258 Businesses 382

Liberty Mut Grp
Pol Rate: 1.56 Med. LCM: 1.56
$1.56 25%
4667 Businesses 343

Total Payroll: $0

Enter the State, Mod, and Payroll for each employee class to get premium estimates from the top carriers writing that class of business

Carriers are sorted by number of accounts in that class of business.

'; $('#linkHtml').val(html); // $('#linkHtml').val('

Workers\' Comp Calculator '); } function updateTotalPayroll() { var total = 0; $('.payrollClass').each(function(){ var value = parseFloat($(this).val().replace(/,/g, '')) || 0; total += value; }); $('#totalPayroll').text(formatAsDollars(total)); } function addNewRow(c,p) { var newRow = $('

'); if (c != '') { newRow.find('.classClass').html('

') } $('#payrollBody').append(newRow); $('#payrollBody tr:last select').select2({ theme: 'bootstrap', width: '100%', placeholder: 'Class', allowClear: true, closeOnSelect: true, ajax: { url: '/api2/Pub/Filter', dataType: 'json', delay: 250, data: function (params) { var query = { search: params.term, param: 'classlist[]', statelist: [$('#statelist').val()], page: params.page || 1 } return query; }, processResults: function (response) { return response.data; } } }); newRowCount++; } function calcPremium(lossCostData, lcm, mod, classCode, applyDebitCredit) { var stdPremium=0; var govPolicyRate; $.each(lossCostData, function(cl,rate) { // if (rate.rate === null) { // $('#rateWarn').removeClass('hidden'); // } var policyRate = rate.rate*lcm; if (cl=='' || cl==classCode) { govPolicyRate = policyRate; } stdPremium += (rate.payroll/100)*policyRate; }); var totalPremium = stdPremium*mod; if (applyDebitCredit) { totalPremium = totalPremium*($('#debitCredit').val() ? (100-$('#debitCredit').val())/100 : 1) } return [totalPremium, govPolicyRate]; } function upDownInd(val, rev, end) { var html = ''; if (val<0 && rev) { html = ''+Math.abs(val)+end+''; } else if (val>0 && rev) { html = ''+Math.abs(val)+end+''; } else if (val>0 && !rev) { html = ''+Math.abs(val)+end+''; } else if (val<0 && !rev) { html = ''+Math.abs(val)+end+''; } return html; } function submitData() { console.log('error'); var isError = false; $('.has-error').removeClass('has-error') var data = { state: $('#statelist').val(), mod: parseFloat($('#mod').val()), payroll: $('.classList').map(function() { if (!dumb && $(this).find('.classClass').val() && $(this).find('.payrollClass').val()=='') { isError = true; $(this).find('.payrollClass').parent().addClass('has-error'); return false; } else if (!dumb && !$(this).find('.classClass').val() && $(this).find('.payrollClass').val()!='') { isError = true; $(this).find('.classClass').parent().addClass('has-error'); return false; } else if (!$(this).find('.classClass').val() && $(this).find('.payrollClass').val()=='') { return false; } else { return {'class':$(this).find('.classClass').val(),'payroll':parseFloat($(this).find('.payrollClass').val().replace(/,/g, '')) || 0}; } }).get(), carriers: [], currentCarrier: [], statelist: null, doCarrierAppts: $('#doCarrierAppts').prop('checked'), companyId: 7734599, debitCredit: $('#debitCredit').val(), internal: internal, dumb: dumb }; // Send JSON request to /api2/PremiumCalculation if (!isError) { $('#rateWarn').addClass('hidden'); $('#rateWarn').html(''); // Collect data from inputs and create a JSON object $('#EstTable thead').addClass('hidden'); if (!$('#premiumPlaceholder')) { $('#EstResults').html('

'); } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api2/Pub/PremiumEstimate', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify(data), success: function(response) { processResponse(response.data); $('#premiumPlaceholder').hide(); }, done: function(r) { }, error: function(error) { } }); } } function processResponse(response) { $('#EstResults').html(''); $('#EstTable thead').removeClass('hidden'); // $('#EstResults').append('

Governing Class: '+response.data.govClass+'

'); // $('#EstResults').append('

Standard Premium: '+formatAsDollars(response.data.totalPremium)+'

'); var cgCount = 0; $.each(response.msgs, function(k,v){ if (v.msg) { $('#rateWarn').removeClass('hidden'); var spanClass = ''; if (v.type == 'error') { spanClass = 'text-danger'; } else if (v.type == 'warn') { spanClass = 'text-warning'; } $('#rateWarn').append(''+v.msg+'
'); } }); var [minPremium, tmp] = calcPremium(response.lossCost, response.stats.range.minLCM, response.mod, response.govClass) $('#minPrem').text(formatAsDollars(minPremium)) var [maxPremium, tmp] = calcPremium(response.lossCost, response.stats.range.maxLCM, response.mod, response.govClass) $('#maxPrem').text(formatAsDollars(maxPremium)) $.each(response.stats, function(cg,v){ if (cg != 'range') { var carriers = ''; // $.each(v, function(i,c) { // carriers += ''+c.count+''; // }); // var row = '



'; var applyDebitCredit = (response.currentCarrier==cg ? false : true); var dataArr = prepData(v.data); if (response.prevStats[cg]) { var prevDataArr = prepData(response.prevStats[cg].data); var prevMedianLCM=d3.quantile(prevDataArr, 0.5); } var medianLCM=d3.quantile(dataArr, 0.5); var govPolicyRate = ''; var [totalPremium, govPolicyRate] = calcPremium(response.lossCost, medianLCM, response.mod, response.govClass, applyDebitCredit) var [prevTotalPremium, tmp] = calcPremium(response.lossCost, prevMedianLCM, response.mod, response.govClass, applyDebitCredit) $.each(v.data, function(i, vv) { var [tmpTotalPremium, tmp] = calcPremium(response.lossCost, vv.lcm, response.mod, response.govClass, applyDebitCredit) v.data[i].premium=tmpTotalPremium; }); var row = '

'+cg+ '
Pol Rate: '+parseFloat(govPolicyRate).toFixed(2)+ ' Med. LCM: '+parseFloat(medianLCM).toFixed(2)+ ''+formatAsDollars(totalPremium)+ ' '+upDownInd(Math.round(((totalPremium-prevTotalPremium)/prevTotalPremium)*100),true, '%')+ '
'+v.count+ ' Businesses '+upDownInd(v.count-(response.prevStats[cg] ? response.prevStats[cg].count : v.count),false, '')+ '

'; // row += '

'; $('#EstResults').append(row); initChart(v.data,response.stats.range,cgCount); cgCount++; } }); } $(document).on('change','#doCarrierAppts', function(e) { createEmbedUrl(); }); $(document).on('click','#newPayroll', function(e) { addNewRow('',''); }); $(document).on('change', '.payrollClass', function() { updateTotalPayroll(); }); $(document).on('click', '#submitData', function() { submitData(); });}); function boxWhiskers(d) { var q1 = d.quartiles[0], q3 = d.quartiles[2], iqr = (q3 - q1) * 1.5, i = -1, j = d.length; while (d[++i] < q1 - iqr); while (d[--j] > q3 + iqr); return [i, j]; } function boxQuartiles(d) { return [ d3.quantile(d, 0.25), d3.quantile(d, 0.5), d3.quantile(d, 0.75) ]; } function prepData(cg) { var dataArr = [];//constructData(cg,range); $.each(cg, function(k,v) { for (var i = 0; i < v.count; i++) { dataArr.push(v.lcm); } }); return dataArr; } function initChart(dataArr,range,cgCount) { var totalWidth = 340, totalHeight = 50, margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 0, left: 20 }, width = totalWidth - margin.left - margin.right, height = totalHeight - margin.top - margin.bottom; var chart = d3.box() .value(function(d) { return d.lcm; }) .width(width) .height(height) .domain([range.minLCM, range.maxLCM]); var xScale = d3.scale.linear() // this is the data x values .domain([range.minLCM, range.maxLCM]) // this is the svg width .range([0, width]); var svg = d3.select('#svg-wrapper'+cgCount).selectAll('svg') .data([dataArr]) .enter().append('svg') .attr('width', totalWidth) .attr('height', totalHeight) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')') .call(chart); // axis // var svgAxis = d3.select('#EstAxis').selectAll('svg') // .data([dataArr]) // .enter().append('svg') // .attr('width', totalWidth) // .attr('height', totalHeight) // .append('g') // .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',0)') // var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() // .scale(xScale) // .orient('bottom') // .ticks(10) // .tickFormat(tickFormatter); // // add axis // svgAxis.append('g') // .attr('class', 'x axis') // .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)') // .call(xAxis); } function tickFormatter(d) { if (d !== (d | 0)) { // format non-integers as 1-decimal float return d3.format('0.1f')(d); } else if (d < 1000) { // format just as integers return d3.format('d')(d); } else if (d < 10000 && (d % 1000 === 0)) { // format using SI, to 1 significant digit return d3.format('0.1s')(d); } else { // format using SI, to 2 significant digits return d3.format('0.2s')(d); } } // function tableFormatter(d) { // if (isNaN(d)) { // return d; // } // if (d !== (d | 0)) { // // format non-integers as 1-decimal float // return d3.format('0,.1f')(d); // } else { // return d3.format(',d')(d); // } // } d3.box = function() { //https://codepen.io/c0deMonkey/pen/xOpgBY?editors=0010 var width = 1, height = 1, duration = 0, domain = null, value = Number, whiskers = boxWhiskers, quartiles = boxQuartiles, outlierData = null, tickFormat = null; function box(g) { g.each(function(d, i) { // sort the data objects by the value function d = d.sort(function(a, b) { if (value(a) > value(b)) { return 1; } if (value(a) < value(b)) { return -1; } if (value(a) === value(b)) { return 0; } }); // d3.select(this.parentNode)// ; var g = d3.select(this).attr('class', 'boxplot'), justVals = d.map(value), n = d.length, min = justVals[0], max = justVals[n - 1]; // Compute quartiles. Must return exactly 3 elements. var quartileVals = justVals.quartiles = quartiles(justVals); // Compute whiskers. Must return exactly 2 elements, or null. var whiskerIndices = whiskers && whiskers.call(this, justVals, i), whiskerData = whiskerIndices && whiskerIndices.map(function(i) { return d[i]; }); // Compute outliers. If no whiskers are specified, all data are 'outliers'. // The outliers are actual data objects, because I'm not concerned with transitions. // outlierData = whiskerIndices ? // d.filter(function(d, idx) { // return idx < whiskerIndices[0] || idx > whiskerIndices[1]; // }) : d.filter(function() { // return true; // }); // Compute the new x-scale. var xScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(domain && domain.call(this, justVals, i) || [min, max]) .range([0, width]); // Note: the box, median, and box tick elements are fixed in number, // so we only have to handle enter and update. In contrast, the outliers // and other elements are variable, so we need to exit them! // (Except this is a static chart, so no transitions, so no exiting) // Update center line: the horizontal line spanning the whiskers. var center = g.selectAll('line.center') .data(whiskerData ? [whiskerData] : []); center.enter().insert('line', 'rect') .attr('class', 'center-line') .attr('x1', function(d) { return xScale(value(d[0])); }) .attr('y1', height / 2) .attr('x2', function(d) { return xScale(value(d[1])); }) .attr('y2', height / 2); // whole innerquartile box. data attached is just quartile values. var q1q3Box = g.selectAll('rect.q1q3box') .data([quartileVals]); var q1q3Data = d.filter(function(d) { return value(d) > quartileVals[0] && value(d) < quartileVals[2]; }); q1q3Box.enter().append('rect') .attr('class', 'box-box whole-box') .attr('y', 0) .attr('x', function(d) { return xScale(d[0]); }) .attr('height', height) .attr('width', function(d) { return xScale(d[2]) - xScale(d[0]); }) .data([q1q3Data]) .on('mouseenter', function(e) { console.log('test',d,e); d3.select(this.parentNode) .select('.box-median-label') .style('opacity', 1).text(formatAsDollars(e[0].premium)+' - '+ formatAsDollars(e[e.length-1].premium)); }) .on('mouseleave', function(e) { d3.select(this.parentNode) .select('.box-median-label') .style('opacity', 0); }) ; // add a median line median line. var medianLine = g.selectAll('line.median') .data([quartileVals[1]]); medianLine.enter().append('line') .attr('class', 'median') .attr('x1', xScale) .attr('y1', 0) .attr('x2', xScale) .attr('y2', height) ; g.append('text') .attr('class', 'box-median-label') .text(function(d) { console.log('box-median-label',d); return d.lcm; }) .attr('y', "-5") .attr('x', xScale(quartileVals[1])); // q1-q2 and q2-q3 boxes. attach actual data to these. // var q1q2Data = d.filter(function(d) { // return value(d) >= quartileVals[0] && value(d) <= quartileVals[1]; // }); // console.log('q1q2Data',q1q2Data, d, quartileVals); // if (q1q2Data.length) {// var q1q2Box = g.selectAll('rect.q1q2box') // .data([q1q2Data]); // q1q2Box.enter().append('rect') // .attr('class', 'box half-box') // .attr('y', 0) // .attr('x', function(d) { // return xScale(value(d[0])); // }) // .attr('width', function(d) { // return xScale(value(d[d.length - 1])) - xScale(value(d[0])); // }) // .attr('height', height); // }// var q2q3Data = d.filter(function(d) { // return value(d) > quartileVals[1] && value(d) <= quartileVals[2]; // }); // console.log('q2q3Data',q2q3Data, d, quartileVals);// if (q2q3Data.length) {// var q2q3Box = g.selectAll('rect.q2q3box') // .data([q2q3Data]); // q2q3Box.enter().append('rect') // .attr('class', 'box half-box') // .attr('y', 0) // .attr('x', function(d) { // return xScale(value(d[0])); // }) // .attr('width', function(d) { // return xScale(value(d[d.length - 1])) - xScale(value(d[0])); // }) // .attr('height', height)// ; // } // Whiskers. Attach actual data object var whiskerG = g.selectAll('line.whisker') .data(whiskerData || []) .enter().append('g') .attr('class', 'whisker') ; whiskerG.append('line') .attr('class', 'whisker') .attr('x1', function(d) { return xScale(value(d)); }) .attr('y1', height / 6) .attr('x2', function(d) { return xScale(value(d)); }) .attr('y2', height * 5 / 6); whiskerG.append('text') .attr('class', 'box-label') .text(function(d) { console.log('whisk',d); return formatAsDollars(d.premium); }) .attr('y', "-5") .attr('x', function(d) { return xScale(value(d)); }); whiskerG.append('circle') .attr('class', 'whisker') .attr('cx', function(d) { return xScale(value(d)); }) .attr('cy', height / 2) .attr('r', 3); // Update outliers. // var outlierG = g.selectAll('g.outlier') // .data(outlierData) // .enter().append('g') // .attr('class', 'outlier'); // outlierG.append('circle') // .attr('class', 'outlier') // .attr('r', 5) // .attr('cx', function(d) { // return xScale(value(d)); // }) // .attr('cy', height / 2); // outlierG.append('text') // .attr('class', 'label') // .text(function(d) { // return value(d); // }) // .attr('x', function(d) { // return xScale(value(d)); // }); }); } box.width = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return width; } width = x; return box; }; box.height = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return height; } height = x; return box; }; box.tickFormat = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return tickFormat; } tickFormat = x; return box; }; box.duration = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return duration; } duration = x; return box; }; box.domain = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return domain; } domain = x == null ? x : d3.functor(x); return box; }; box.value = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return value; } value = x; return box; }; box.whiskers = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return whiskers; } whiskers = x; return box; }; box.quartiles = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) { return quartiles; } quartiles = x; return box; }; // just a getter. no setting outliers. box.outliers = function() { return outlierData; }; return box; };

Quick Muffler Inc Commercial Insurance Report (2024)
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Article information

Author: Van Hayes

Last Updated:

Views: 6154

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.