System endpoint descriptions - Splunk Documentation (2024)

Manage server configuration settings and messages.

Usage details

Review ACL information for an endpoint

To check Access Control List (ACL) properties for an endpoint, append /acl to the path. For more information see Access Control List in the REST API User Manual.

Authentication and Authorization

Username and password authentication is required for access to endpoints and REST operations.

Splunk users must have role and/or capability-based authorization to use REST endpoints. Users with an administrative role, such as admin, can access authorization information in Splunk Web. To view the roles assigned to a user, select Settings > Access controls and click Users. To determine the capabilities assigned to a role, select Settings > Access controls and click Roles.

App and user context

Typically, knowledge objects, such as saved searches or event types, have an app/user context that is the namespace. For more information about specifying a namespace, see Namespace in the REST API User Manual.

Additional introspection information

See Introspection endpoint descriptions for the system endpoints related to introspection.

Splunk Cloud Platform limitations

As a Splunk Cloud Platform user, you are restricted to interacting with the search tier only with the REST API. System endpoints are generally not accessible in Splunk Cloud Platform.

See Access requirements and limitations for the Splunk Cloud Platform REST API in the the REST API Tutorials manual for more information.



Access and create system messages. Most messages are created by splunkd to inform the user of system information, including license quotas, license expirations, misconfigured indexes, and disk space. Splunk Web displays these as bulletin board messages.


Show systemwide messages.

Request parameters
Pagination and filtering parameters can be used with this method.

Response keys
Depending on the system status, messages returned vary. Messages returned in the response include a name and description, as in the following example.

helpFor internal use only
<message_name>The message name depends on the specific message returned. This field might contain the same text as the message field.

In the following example response, this field is "manifest_error".

messageMessage text
serverName of the server that generated the error
severityOne of the following message severity values
  • info
  • warn
  • error
timeCreated_epochSecsTimestamp when the message was posted
timeCreated_isoISO formatted timestamp

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changed https://localhost:8089/services/admin/messages

XML Response

<title>messages</title> <id></id> ... <entry> <title>manifest_error</title> <id></id> <updated>2016-09-01T13:10:34-07:00</updated> <link href="/services/admin/messages/manifest_error" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/admin/messages/manifest_error" rel="remove"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="eai:acl"> <s:dict> <s:key name="app"></s:key> <s:key name="can_list">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_write">1</s:key> <s:key name="modifiable">0</s:key> <s:key name="owner">system</s:key> <s:key name="perms"> <s:dict> <s:key name="read"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="write"> <s:list> <s:item>admin</s:item> <s:item>splunk-system-role</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="removable">0</s:key> <s:key name="sharing">system</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="help"></s:key> <s:key name="manifest_error">File Integrity checks found 145 files that did not match the system-provided manifest. See splunkd.log for details.</s:key> <s:key name="message">File Integrity checks found 145 files that did not match the system-provided manifest. See splunkd.log for details.</s:key> <s:key name="server">docs-unix-4</s:key> <s:key name="severity">warn</s:key> <s:key name="timeCreated_epochSecs">1472739529</s:key> <s:key name="timeCreated_iso">2016-09-01T07:18:49-07:00</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>


Create a persistent message displayed at /services/messages.

Request parameters

<name>StringRequired. Message name (key).
capabilityStringOne or more capabilities that users must have to view the message. Capability names are validated. If multiple capabilities are required, include them each as separate fields.
roleComma separated listOne or more roles that users must have to view the message. Role names are validated.
valueStringRequired. Message text.
severityStringOne of the following message severity values.
  • info
  • warn
  • error

Response keys

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/messages -d name=helloMessage -d value="hello world" -d severity="info"

XML Response

...<title>messages</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/messages</id> <updated>2014-02-20T10:24:02-08:00</updated> <generator build="197187" version="6.1beta"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/messages/_new" rel="create"/> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>helloMessage</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/messages/helloMessage</id> <updated>2014-02-20T10:24:02-08:00</updated> <link href="/services/messages/helloMessage" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/messages/helloMessage" rel="remove"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="helloMessage">"hello world"</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> ... elided ... </s:key> <s:key name="message">"hello world"</s:key> <s:key name="severity">info</s:key> <s:key name="timeCreated_epochSecs">1392920642</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>



Manage the message associated with the {name} message ID.


Delete the specified message.

Request parameters

Response keys
None. An HTTP status code = 500 is returned if {name} message does not exist.

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme --request DELETE https://localhost:8089/services/messages/message

XML Response

... <title>messages</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/messages</id> <updated>2011-07-08T01:14:21-07:00</updated> <generator version="102807"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/messages/_new" rel="create"/> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/>


Get details of the specified message.

Request parameters

Response keys

helpFor internal use only
<message_name>The message name depends on the specific message returned. This field might contain the same text as the message field.

In the following example response, this field is "manifest_error".

messageMessage text
serverName of the server that generated the error
severityOne of the following message severity values
  • info
  • warn
  • error
timeCreated_epochSecsTimestamp when the message was posted
timeCreated_isoISO formatted timestamp

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changed https://localhost:8089/services/admin/messages/manifest_error

XML Response

...<title>messages</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/admin/messages</id> <updated>2016-09-01T13:10:59-07:00</updated> <generator build="3b17605ee8e3" version="6.5.0"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/admin/messages/_new" rel="create"/> <link href="/services/admin/messages/_acl" rel="_acl"/> <opensearch:totalResults>1</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>30</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <opensearch:startIndex>0</opensearch:startIndex> <s:messages/> <entry> <title>manifest_error</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/admin/messages/manifest_error</id> <updated>2016-09-01T13:10:59-07:00</updated> <link href="/services/admin/messages/manifest_error" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/admin/messages/manifest_error" rel="remove"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="eai:acl"> <s:dict> <s:key name="app"></s:key> <s:key name="can_list">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_write">1</s:key> <s:key name="modifiable">0</s:key> <s:key name="owner">system</s:key> <s:key name="perms"> <s:dict> <s:key name="read"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="write"> <s:list> <s:item>admin</s:item> <s:item>splunk-system-role</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="removable">0</s:key> <s:key name="sharing">system</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="eai:attributes"> <s:dict> <s:key name="optionalFields"> <s:list/> </s:key> <s:key name="requiredFields"> <s:list/> </s:key> <s:key name="wildcardFields"> <s:list/> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="help"></s:key> <s:key name="manifest_error">File Integrity checks found 145 files that did not match the system-provided manifest. See splunkd.log for details.</s:key> <s:key name="message">File Integrity checks found 145 files that did not match the system-provided manifest. See splunkd.log for details.</s:key> <s:key name="server">docs-unix-4</s:key> <s:key name="severity">warn</s:key> <s:key name="timeCreated_epochSecs">1472739529</s:key> <s:key name="timeCreated_iso">2016-09-01T07:18:49-07:00</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>



List available controls.


List actions that can be performed at this endpoint.

Request parameters

Response keys

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/control

XML Response

... <title>server-control</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/control</id> <updated>2011-07-12T00:17:53-07:00</updated> <generator version="102807"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/control/restart" rel="restart"/> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/>



Restart the splunkd server daemon and Splunk Web interface. The POST operation is equivalent to the splunk restart CLI command.

See also server/control/restart_webui


Restart the splunkd server daemon and Splunk Web interface.

Request parameters

Response keys
An HTTP status code 200 indicates successful restart.

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/control/restart -X POST

XML Response

... <title>server-control</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/control</id> <updated>2014-08-05T13:02:50-07:00</updated> <generator build="221120" version="6.2"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/control/restart" rel="restart"/> <link href="/services/server/control/restart_webui" rel="restart_webui"/> ... opensearch nodes elided ... <s:messages/>



Restart the Splunk Web interface. This interface is equivalent to the splunk restart splunkweb CLI command, and restarts the Web interface on servers with the default app server mode set. See also server/control/restart


Restart the Splunk Web interface.

Request parameters

Response keys
An HTTP status code 200 indicates successful restart.

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/control/restart_webui -X POST

XML Response

... <title>server-control</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/control</id> <updated>2014-08-05T12:10:37-07:00</updated> <generator build="221120" version="6.2"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/control/restart" rel="restart"/> <link href="/services/server/control/restart_webui" rel="restart_webui"/> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/>



Create an HTTP Proxy Server configuration for splunkd.

Authentication and Authorization
Requires the edit_server capability.


Create a HTTP Proxy server configuration stanza for use with splunkd.

The POST request generates a proxyConfig configuration that you can access or update at server/settings/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig.

Request parameters

nameStringRequired. Use "proxyConfig" to name the configuration stanza.

Returned values

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/httpsettings/proxysettings -d name="proxyConfig''

XML Response

<entry> <title>proxyConfig</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig</id> <updated>1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>nobody</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/move" rel="move"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> <s:dict> <s:key name="app">search</s:key> <s:key name="can_change_perms">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_list">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_app">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_global">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_user">0</s:key> <s:key name="can_write">1</s:key> <s:key name="modifiable">1</s:key> <s:key name="owner">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="perms"> <s:dict> <s:key name="read"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="write"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="removable">1</s:key> <s:key name="sharing">app</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>



Access, update, or delete the HTTP Proxy Server configurations for splunkd including http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy.

Authentication and Authorization
All operations on this endpoint require the edit_server capability.


Access the {proxyConfig} HTTP proxy server configurations for splunkd.

Request parameters

http_proxyStringIdentifies the server proxy. When set, splunkd sends all HTTP requests through the proxy server defined in http_proxy on the proxy. The default value is unset.
https_proxyStringIdentifies the server proxy. When set, splunkd sends all HTTPS requests through the proxy server defined in https_proxy. If not set, splunkd uses the http_proxy variable instead. The default value is unset.
no_proxyStringIdentifies the no proxy rules. When set, splunkd uses these rules to decide whether the proxy server needs to be bypassed for matching hosts and IP addresses. Requests going to a localhost/loopback address are not proxied. The default value is localhost,,::1.

Returned values

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changed https://localhost:8089/services/server/httpsettings/proxysettings -d name="proxyConfig''

XML Response

 <entry> <title>proxyConfig</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig</id> <updated>1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>nobody</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/move" rel="move"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> <s:dict> <s:key name="app">search</s:key> <s:key name="can_change_perms">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_list">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_app">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_global">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_user">0</s:key> <s:key name="can_write">1</s:key> <s:key name="modifiable">1</s:key> <s:key name="owner">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="perms"> <s:dict> <s:key name="read"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="write"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="removable">1</s:key> <s:key name="sharing">app</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="eai:attributes"> <s:dict> <s:key name="optionalFields"> <s:list> <s:item>http_proxy</s:item> <s:item>https_proxy</s:item> <s:item>no_proxy</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="requiredFields"> <s:list/> </s:key> <s:key name="wildcardFields"> <s:list/> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>


Update the {proxyConfig} HTTP proxy server configurations for splunkd.

Request parameters

http_proxyStringIdentifies the server proxy. When set, splunkd sends all HTTP requests through the proxy server defined in http_proxy on the proxy. The default value is unset.
https_proxyStringIdentifies the server proxy. When set, splunkd sends all HTTPS requests through the proxy server defined in https_proxy. If not set, splunkd uses the http_proxy variable instead. The default value is unset.
no_proxyStringIdentifies the no proxy rules. When set, splunkd uses these rules to decide whether the proxy server needs to be bypassed for matching hosts and IP addresses. Requests going to a localhost/loopback address are not proxied. The default value is localhost,,::1.

Returned values

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changed https://localhost:8089/services/server/httpsettings/proxysettings -d no_proxy="test''

XML Response

 <entry> <title>proxyConfig</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig</id> <updated>1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00</updated> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>nobody</name> </author> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="list"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="edit"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig" rel="remove"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/move" rel="move"/> <link href="/servicesNS/nobody/search/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig/disable" rel="disable"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="disabled">0</s:key> <s:key name="eai:acl"> <s:dict> <s:key name="app">search</s:key> <s:key name="can_change_perms">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_list">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_app">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_global">1</s:key> <s:key name="can_share_user">0</s:key> <s:key name="can_write">1</s:key> <s:key name="modifiable">1</s:key> <s:key name="owner">nobody</s:key> <s:key name="perms"> <s:dict> <s:key name="read"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="write"> <s:list> <s:item>*</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="removable">1</s:key> <s:key name="sharing">app</s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="no_proxy">test</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>


Delete the {proxyConfig} HTTP proxy server configurations for splunkd.

Request parameters

Returned values

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changed https://localhost:8089/services/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/proxyConfig -X DELETE

XML Response

<title>proxysettings</title> <id></id> <updated>2017-04-20T17:14:52-07:00</updated> <generator build="845bc99189da" version="6.6.0"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/_new" rel="create"/> <link href="/services/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/_reload" rel="_reload"/> <link href="/services/server/httpsettings/proxysettings/_acl" rel="_acl"/> <opensearch:totalResults>0</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>30</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <opensearch:startIndex>0</opensearch:startIndex> <s:messages/>



Access splunkd logging categories specified in code or in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/log.cfg.


Enumerate splunkd logging categories.

Request parameters
Pagination and filtering parameters can be used with this method.

Response keys

levelOne of the following valid logger levels for this server.
  • WARN
  • INFO

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/logger

XML Response

...<title>logger</title> <id>https://mrt:8089/services/server/logger</id> <updated>2011-05-16T20:29:38-0700</updated> <generator version="98144"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>AdminHandler:AuthenticationHandler</title> <id>https://mrt:8089/services/server/logger/AdminHandler%3AAuthenticationHandler</id> <updated>2011-05-16T20:29:38-0700</updated> <link href="/services/server/logger/AdminHandler%3AAuthenticationHandler" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/logger/AdminHandler%3AAuthenticationHandler" rel="list"/> <link href="/services/server/logger/AdminHandler%3AAuthenticationHandler" rel="edit"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="eai:acl">... elided ...</s:key> <s:key name="level">WARN</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry> . . . elided . . . <entry> <title>Application</title> <id>https://mrt:8089/services/server/logger/Application</id> <updated>2011-05-16T20:29:38-0700</updated> <link href="/services/server/logger/Application" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/logger/Application" rel="list"/> <link href="/services/server/logger/Application" rel="edit"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="eai:acl">... elided ...</s:key> <s:key name="level">WARN</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry> <entry> <title>ApplicationManager</title> <id>https://mrt:8089/services/server/logger/ApplicationManager</id> <updated>2011-05-16T20:29:38-0700</updated> <link href="/services/server/logger/ApplicationManager" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/logger/ApplicationManager" rel="list"/> <link href="/services/server/logger/ApplicationManager" rel="edit"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="eai:acl">... elided ...</s:key> <s:key name="level">WARN</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>



Manage the {name} logging category.


Access information about the specified splunkd logging category.

Request parameters

Response keys

levelOne of the following valid logger levels for this server.
  • WARN
  • INFO

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/logger/Application

XML Response

...<title>logger</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/logger</id> <updated>2011-07-02T15:10:44-07:00</updated> <generator version="100492"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>Application</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/logger/Application</id> <updated>2011-07-02T15:10:44-07:00</updated> <link href="/services/server/logger/Application" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/logger/Application" rel="list"/> <link href="/services/server/logger/Application" rel="edit"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="eai:acl">... elided ...</s:key> <s:key name="eai:attributes"> <s:dict> <s:key name="optionalFields"> <s:list/> </s:key> <s:key name="requiredFields"> <s:list> <s:item>level</s:item> </s:list> </s:key> <s:key name="wildcardFields"> <s:list/> </s:key> </s:dict> </s:key> <s:key name="level">WARN</s:key> </s:dict> </content> </entry>


Set the logging level for a specific logging category.

Request parameters

levelEnumRequired. The desired logging level for this category.
One of the following valid values.


Response keys

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/logger/Application -d level=INFO

XML Response

... <title>logger</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/logger</id> <updated>2011-07-07T00:24:02-07:00</updated> <generator version="102807"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <s:messages/>



Access server role information.

See also the server-roles attribute in /server/info.


Access the roles applicable to this server.

Request parameters

Response keys

<variable>Zero or more of the following possible server roles.
  • indexer
  • universal_forwarder
  • heavyweight_forwarder
  • lightweight_forwarder
  • license_master
  • license_slave
  • cluster_master
  • cluster_slave
  • cluster_search_head
  • deployment_server
  • deployment_client
  • search_head
  • search_peer
  • shc_captain
  • shc_deployer
  • shc_member

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/roles

XML Response

... <title>server-roles</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/roles</id> <updated>2014-04-02T12:13:07-07:00</updated> <generator build="200839" version="6.1"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/roles/catalog_allPossible_predefined" rel="catalog_allPossible_predefined"/> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>result</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/roles/result</id> <updated>2014-04-02T12:13:07-07:00</updated> <link href="/services/server/roles/result" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/roles/result" rel="list"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="eai:acl"> ... elided ... </s:key> <s:key name="indexer"/> <s:key name="license_master"/> <s:key name="license_slave"/> </s:dict> </content> </entry>



Rotates the splunk.secret file on a standalone Splunk Enterprise instance.


Rotates the splunk.secret file on a standalone Splunk Enterprise instance.

Returned values

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/security/rotate-splunk-secret -X POST

XML Response



Access server configuration information for a Splunk platform instance. For additional information about your Splunk platform instance, see the server/info endpoint.


Returns server configuration for a Splunk deployment.

Request parameters
Pagination and filtering parameters can be used with this method.

Response keys

SPLUNK_DBAbsolute filepath to the default index for this deployment.
SPLUNK_HOMEAbsolute filepath to the local installation of this deployment.
enableSplunkWebSSLIndicates if HTTPS and SSL are enabled for Splunk Web.
hostThe default hostname to use for data inputs that do not override this setting.
httpportPort on which Splunk Web listens for this instance.
Defaults to 8000. If using SSL, set to the HTTPS port number.
mgmtHostPortThe port on which Splunk Web listens for management operations. Defaults to 8089.
minFreeSpaceSafe amount of space in MB that must exist for splunkd to continue operating.
minFreespace affects search and indexing in the following ways.
  • Before attempting to launch a search, the Splunk platform requires this amount of free space on the filesystem where the dispatch directory is stored, $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch.
  • Applied similarly to the search quota values in authorize.conf and limits.conf.
  • For indexing, periodically, the indexer checks space on all partitions that contain splunk indexes as specified by indexes.conf. When you need to clear more disk space, indexing is paused and the Splunk platform posts a UI banner + warning.
pass4SymmKeyPassword string prefixed to the Splunk platform symmetric key, generating the final key to sign all traffic between master/slave licenser.
serverNameName identifying this instance for features such as distributed search.
sessionTimeoutTime range string to indicate the amount of time before a user session times out. Expressed as a search-like time range. The default is 1h (one hour).
Here are some examples.

24h (24 hours)

3d (3 days)

7200s (7200 seconds, or two hours)

startwebserverIndicates whether Splunk Web is configured to start by default.
trustedIPIP address of the authenticating proxy. Set to a valid IP address to enable SSO.
Disabled by default. Normal value is ''

Example request and response

XML Request

curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/server/settings

XML Response

...<title>server-settings</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/settings</id> <updated>2011-07-08T01:56:40-07:00</updated> <generator version="102807"/> <author> <name>Splunk</name> </author> ... opensearch elements elided ... <s:messages/> <entry> <title>settings</title> <id>https://localhost:8089/services/server/settings/settings</id> <updated>2011-07-08T01:56:40-07:00</updated> <link href="/services/server/settings/settings" rel="alternate"/> <author> <name>system</name> </author> <link href="/services/server/settings/settings" rel="list"/> <link href="/services/server/settings/settings" rel="edit"/> <content type="text/xml"> <s:dict> <s:key name="SPLUNK_DB">/home/amrit/temp/curl/splunk/var/lib/splunk</s:key> <s:key name="SPLUNK_HOME">/home/amrit/temp/curl/splunk</s:key> ... eai:acl node elided ... <s:key name="enableSplunkWebSSL">0</s:key> <s:key name="host">MrT</s:key> <s:key name="httpport">8001</s:key> <s:key name="mgmtHostPort">8085</s:key> <s:key name="minFreeSpace">2000000</s:key> <s:key name="pass4SymmKey">changeme</s:key> <s:key name="serverName">MrT</s:key> <s:key name="sessionTimeout">1h</s:key> <s:key name="startwebserver">1</s:key> <s:key name="trustedIP"/> </s:dict> </content> </entry>
System endpoint descriptions - Splunk Documentation (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.