The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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V-l -M Vi I BUFFALO 10 UMNO NEWS: FRIDAY DECEMBER 11 lj np Negro Attacks Prosecutor Ui I i i a HEADS REALTY BOARD in Court After Conviction SOIfflT Etwineer Halts Buffalo Bound Train Then Dies at Throttle Thnmax Robsrt Savage Saint Victim of Brain Ilcmor- rhage Fj reman Completes Trip to Local Dopot Hubert Haven yrera old mnr- lli'nt In atari up lull gl no reaiamae rld Halm Tlnmiii Onlnrlo an rn I Thli-hlng Ihai Havag had imihnldy Vaults Bar and tt'C Attorney Narrowly Escapes Blow IH Wlisii Ijioi rif Altortiy itwtn nnd nml iusbiiU'd HMi lulwrn prtjMititifr I Min afiw ohoti H's Frk-PolLock LB AaainIlnmd 1 h' fuund dead at Ihe un a inv'i-'hiti Hmllh drang-'d bark lo tlir Ja'I ta Pioneer In Field On Tour of Inspection Says Nowhere In medl'a Welfare UCOUty at ffOUU a Vulll tin Iv-r In Iitrf Hu: Pi'lmiijon hi until nant l1day whi -a 1- I oaj-- dia-k and lirniirht one up from he will wntrmd ear as NISO Are Bicoicailh floor that Uilaard ihe nloriipyj win all rtyhl long ai Examiners Danser and hJ bn ir-inn-m mi" Aitm-nry lunaiu-rg md Th miirt r- in an uiirrnr 1r-i -Ith wa arraigned on grand hr- UtilCr Deslanations I U'y Hh(-rlfl William lllohlrrnnd An- Mi-y rhwigo lo tier lnkn IWin 'nay Jlimklewlm pnininllv i-inl-l n-'i tv other nKru! Itnil-- an-1 Tile appointment! by I- Ihe oorvlcied mn aed Weajry Wli-rgrowm '4ohttllilt crmimilnui- rf i-hirllra1 raaiL waa Ihrmila) over In li'm: -M' go Huh Hha'e Country Is Equal of vi: "ul schools to Be Found cites rriTrr i vA tzx War Record dHU I round III man deed wllh bin hand Til--train Mli-h'gun renlval No Ij out Ilia window ami Ida hand Mil' eo'nliig fi-i'fn IJrlndl nml wnei nnring Hi llimlll II hail d'il more nntlilnv In Hi- mimi block algnnl Juet wat- while waiting fnr ihe alsnal tu lo equal llurralu'a p-cigrnn In of lb oroaalpg on Hi-napa air! at I hang ''ncnilonul adui'nlhin" wan lh Mn'i HI11 A II Havana luiid the (rain lluiirr limk Ihe Mirolll and brninhl nun! ninilf In- Vank kla'f haw in IM-rfeH-l lv nl 'tdatlin train lh Kk'-linrgp Hlrat n-nl mall lit Frank MalMwavn BflwmWl )) a ciml an Wit anv imlinn rlli rr tor luvnllnual niurailm fo 1 hi im a i hniiftrd lo gu Iiul firii) Mrd'anl K-ainlarr lnnrr vn- Jmry (lily- mad- no niuy lo idnrl th train The and diilarml that il-nlli ha-l ni-d I ori-M-l lon Ii-el Were n-ipioved hf-roiion ni---l In of lhi exietil f-utiiiniiir of th llpul-' lenn eniinfy rommltte Ii'-'d at aqnaiv Il'-iiUiiiunti'il f- f-n-tlv lniinpiy Ifipnty (tv fire i Pi-auU tlumi Hepiiiy thdahig hour) Heorg? AXmTy thorn' and mnrmarn -n Robbers Flee Without Loot Suffers Possible Fractured Leg ir iisou i After Injuring Hall Bakery I Thinks Automobile lie pul fpriiltenllnry iuid fur tut Employe Tlinmna Kuyera fJ5im County phyalciaif Jr Arthur tliluNin 1100 Morgue keeper Louli Itoroiie Mr Mn! thnwaua iiii-'-ri- in rie' flmnen Jam iluller vnllnl ever to lieen cini-nd liy a a heiiHUTlinne field hn'-'nn lNn Ihe lldril inalrin-- i lor cnaniiril it Hi fl --I arh ail of o- 1 rntliuial edui-ation nxtnlillelnvl In Hi 1'nllcd Plate lie iln4 Ihe elafc (if III Evening Hchool nf Tiade In Hprlngfirld Men luMaaR Ion than one year nfler the inaugmnl Ion o(j that inelliitiiin At-i-omiwnh-d t)- leirei A Xu gent of nchool nf Jrraoy Cily Mr Malliew non lia y- t-ently mad an Inapeetlon of iHinllu achoola la ihti-ngo Mllwunl an-l Cleveland wliece li 1 rr annual eum-rmlon or Urn NnHonil Social for Vii it Iona I IbluiTt'oii Tii trip waa mail with (lie nlijw-i of i-hecidnc up un ths programs of Hi Inntltullnna of J'raey City la pnrtlruiarly fortunate" raid Mr M-itlbnwaan Denies Striking Motorist and i Public Service Chief Advises 1 null1 -ul Inn Inapri'tor li June 1 1 Kart Front atrcel Dunkirk Friday wo hold lo th grand In liuvincr nnlyny hw Cty Court Jmlg Keeler fnr nn-raiu- 77 uinnii i i im'lll hi -I lnv--i'0 CIki i William II Wealwnod 3A year old I JO Mhawnte arenue driver i-f a Hull Setirelnry flithert II forhln It-VM i P-olilii rninptmy wiignn wa allot KoulPNlgniiHon wa m-nl for flral nnd allrhtly wounded hy one nr deputy IIVIO poet m-r fr phyal- I pair of lupdlln who tried lo hold hint elan at the county ImK-ln hyut on In rraat of 3a Vernon plan- early Vforlb Sluoo nnnunlly Thnw will he rThiiimy evening ml 11 iii-llin of Ihe 1 Weeiwnnd lirnl Imil over lo plrk rllllv cnminlllee Tiepii'y Com-urn two linked good In tile wagon niiKioner Ikilloek In i-edenhieiited an' whan re hnril a coiniiiiilid to "nlirk ill irnr norm I an Chairman war nleo Danner and I-ong 'em up-' I umkina II 1 he anw a ymma awagl al rif lTHi lH I lfv 1 IS Till A 111 ft III llf a 11 lq 11 1 ft IIP Struck Her 'Anna ryaurj year old of M7 Potmuui: avciiur- waa found anting lu a daaed Nnadltlon between the north and eoiithbound Irollay 'rack In Delawar avenue oppoalle Huy- brook plait Thursday aluht at Hit waa removed In Ihe office nf I)- Tong Delaware nod Delavan and from there to tha KlxterW hoepitil Th v'omnii waa found to have bruises on tha right arm and leg and poaslbly a franture of tha leg She the pari ofj -r-viid drgrer eaen-tll Jnnre pleedrrt Imth labor and laduatry of Ihe value I mil guilty of Ihe wrrk being done In Ihla regard I i1ih FriirUowaki -Iff Kronl ave-thut la far higher ralv than any Inn ih-iignl Inaiu-vloi- l-i-ra ii-wm-d of rndoraeinen: Ihal I ua nil I uti hi ilghl to park nl oulaider i-onld amplov i offi-e nor -md Wiai an -unii-nl nunny Hi war aa rilneiliunnl mieueil KrauhowrM 'i tJi eP inwdlkfl exriminrn All the otliera ninn munrifliiv ut aiip tl are new appoinier allhouaii wagon oulnilne a p1 i-haiuner of lommerr Pi-lui: known a aetlve exeeptl Another man annul III the the door of P'alcl aim ru li In I Replying to lhitlnna adopted by (Dr lllbmn who la linil nf th Den- 'ei(t of mniplylag wllh (he i i lie I'l emlier Clm rn nn ennea li-nmlt-il Buyers Jnil lura- demand Wen-wood lumped out the diK-tiir on a'Peiwl aveinin car 'ta- OII Ihe nptoa'le hle of tlp irovereil her Imiwaen the dracks wee linn hi to led how eh wee injured She think ahe waa lilt by an automobile Vlncert Halho mol orman H'1'! -I rim atlot- of d'amlaeal of key inl Al'risi nnd nr drnr ADAM COAMACK1 Adam Cormaek 131 Bedford venu hen bn elected praaldent of tha Buffalo Real Entatw hoard for fha coming year Other offlcera efaoarn nr Plrat vlcn preakiaaL LeUrand Robaon aecond vice prealdrni Herolvnl Ho wen a pore la ry Clara lttrkrt Adolph Htarg wan re-elrlri to the poet of Irrexorrr end Caa iConnaway to that of managing di-I rector hern of the cuuncll at I'ai-a that vlu-ilem-r In tlic nnttlrmem nf inlprna jtionel dlpiiea would no longer bn I permitted among momlmra ul the league I Iord Crcll raid III fe-n! factor Imaging th outlook 'or dinai-manient Jhrlglilar wn flnanii'al Next name I Hie obllgutlnnn of Ihe and ph-! noclnled power" in the Teruillta treaty la fnrloei- general w-hrine nf Idlaarninment and their neai-ru non to the former eiienilee tliat tlielr dle-jnimiinrnt waa onlv Hie flrnt (in to I ward a genei-nl ri form In Hint dlrec-i linn He i-mihanfed that title aaaur jiino wuh esdietejr l-ept-alid at Ln--arnu dl'i-cloi- for this dlstrlc! under ihe Mrurk urokc Ida Sv- 1 55 efPHratmn mad iha Buffalo riepuly aherirfa-while V-yer I eoni ws-ott and ran up ffnm iiiry Kely of tit Ford hotel and ICflH AfrMfrpTiiianl I kosi 1 War depart I 1 PI'l Omnlnua corporation ahould hnuae 1 31 Vriiii-n fjrorge Irian of 1131 Niagara utreet ibivr liuqnn fM Walnut rtreel men noil ac-qunlnlcd with III work rf H-e But-fsle wii-iiHuuil rchoals at Ihe (Ini' that you trained IJDO fighting 1 atwi wi-- hti 77 rtreel wet-e he to the grand Juryon SIwMU ranhih bendll nn jMislrd him In tvkidg her lo I5r fired nn hnt Ihe hiilh-l office I grnxlnq right tea The Viult Armslrorg yrara old I) I mlihern then tan Ih'-migli haciyiirdi- Trowhr'dgr elri-ei we allg'-tly hurt act'on" The fixing of dnte for 1 era at Iha pen was ofr-red to An-hony and disappeared They am nothing Thursday night when rle was slruck 1 hearing on Ihe hue application first nusklcwlcx but was deelined 'by un auto drivril -by William 1 lirearntert tu tlic cnnimlptlon aomej The executb-e eonim'ttrr nlau mr uv TlMO TD1I1IQ dbuurn US Weal Northrup piace a 1 1 erred to lit cily government o- cornin in nustuinii or me assistant i clnrtng that th "city's attitude eecrstnry of the Repulilli-an euuuly wa-tnn I ve KrMlt i lt weight In eommln- dclermlnlng the mmmlsKlon'a fiirthn-' The (240 I )ftu Mlw dle a MAN HIT BY TWO TRAINS 1 proini in cen ct I "uliir 1 ol v- eek'f Kirming nut of tlic theft of a lhl7 i BuiomoSII belonging lo pllHhrcit Ills r't public! inrint nnmhrH ni public! luhriiin S7 Qrantford place urw Mine ngo await Ihe filing of a tup-! placed It IL oil Jam-s Dudley aho was croulDg Yriengle si reel urn-plemenul petition contalnlrg it now huinaanri iinaplln I dcpuly under' IS IN SERiOUS CONDITION 'Virnna idem ffunl who i II won and In oat- Willuni Urcvn 22 Madison eeqiiem of a hli-ti you s-e iscelved e0oisl gullly lu third de- sentenced to Jail lire cm UruM 77 ltd fle-iitirti venue qver the eye with a re- ST rMbt? V-'b kr araur rnd wu a fi Thera ha year in tlrln county Ill'll lidmilting hilling Kaaia WnVr If-lltlrd a venue qveT- the eye I Alex Pc sail (J years old JV7 ttnnncal plan Tha chamber urged ou'guing-rommisKioiirr early action but tha chu liman rr- to made head of Hi- auto bureau' tf(l nrr iina wm of vc-rv vrndyal vnlvr oof hi Me7i' o-conno 15 years put oar line n-e rf irk mid ui-- niMrii iu 3 51 jin Mlrri-t pleaded guilty 1 Tima Not Ripe For Conference Kato Believes But Japs Will Gladly Participate In Anv Legitimate Discussions of Project Ton Vo I Hr Ifl-lwnlrr Kaln Jml-jj with lli Awiopliitsd the MibJrctR nC illwM-RiMneiil Fortrtistti Amrrtra anil I'lilim and d'flaird Jaiwn gluilly v-uuUI p-ir'M-pair In any Irgltliiinla hairpin mant liut he Iu-IIowhI Ihp Hm vu imt 1-1)1 ut iirmvnl fur KiH-h a c-on'ti-i'm- to lirmr sui-uresflil TI)h irmler did ni'l ballin' lliut ftiiHHlii would ruler eimli a confcrcm-e and lip oleu laid hr fsarad thnf rr-inln Kurupcan ruuntrln wen not yrl ready The JnpanmM government head aid Joann wanted the Hlalen to iK-rtU-lpate In any iiirh ruaterence frilled Ho hr any future Japan! Amei-U-nn war waa ronrernril Prr-niler Kalo drrlared it to ba an ab am-dlly mid nhyalrally Imprarllrabla tip w-ii mine Jupan nvrr would r-anrl to war over Immigration and anyway he hoiwd America aom day would umrnd tlir linmlgnttloa law in an far ua it (Mirtalna to Japan Uiuj itunovliiK the only aorn a)iori Tha pninlrr devlared that the im-ent ivillry of nnn-lnlorferrni-e In klanrhum would hr mnllnued and that ip more Japanear Iroopi would br arid tlillhrr unlraa ahaulUIrly Hr niM i Imt ol prrarnt about 5000 way -uarJa m-i- moving 'n ward M-im-haVa tin- form being lw-lun- anrilinl owing to the ronm-hliia' li rina ending Hr added Hint replace nil-ilia wniild bring tha form lo op-proxliuitriy whi which at pi-eaenr la i-onaldci-rd auffu-lenl Tin- coMdltlnna In China and Man-rini-ii were punallng' Iho pi-rmlrr ailii i waa iiol known tndny wh-it ii 'll hipiirn tiiipnri-'iw ml Iniwo'h fu ir fuller would ty gnvn-ned by riiidhlona A i n-hrth-r lh" il-fpiil nf Mnrahnl Ch-iig Tm--Lii tin- MiiiK-huriHii r-nr In--I would in -mi riirro-11-hinent of h--v-l ii-flni-iu-r inn Miinrhurla i Kiiu Kiht rip-li a iuntln r- urPiiiilii nml Jounn-e ii-j a ia hot lirldg- when rrarh- til it Irif-oii'a only In- i i H-ini-'iurii w-ia 1h proler- i liv-H i'f Jiipanran nnlkiniila il pnip-r-y 'IrgiH'I'rK lor a iK Hov rt influi-ni-o Ihi-outili- I liun Ill Jnianra i-reulor anid' "I rvithm-a iHiintiil both wnya and H- i-iiii'jitun hi in-i wi-i' -niln Hr ild Hint llie (Tilnrie geurral "Iii h- llau" i-at-i-rlty told him that lln- 'li' near never would become Bnl-a I here were no many in-' indolent prranna who -riiM Huy wonlil li made to wo unilrr Soviet rrginti- Th pre-nihr r-Mrd fcovvrr (lint ihla ap-i ii rerii ly nia an unnunvlm-lng nrgu-i ini r-ii fn 1 in Jiiiui la roiu-rriid llie I ro no' mid lie did mu believe that Hie H-iiple rvn- would aitniit the prlii- ini of Hoviellain nllhoURh he nd- ini i-d Hiit many Jnpnnrar were I- i nil uiwai'ii ihe Hu-Pt VISCOUNT CECIL SEES DISARMAMENT HOPE Ur UPiVil Ihe "i kp -av' iiuid' know I (hti tury n'i inn In nay uif- ih'ui liy (hi council oi' Hip JaMffur Mlion tlie milijerl ib 4' (Syrnl lrlialn s1 till Trikcy ovn the Mowil oil re Vi eoiumlsiMisii tv hull I o-iirvc lo iinum'aie an arp ndet ir iieiimffnnil ronierence to pro- ritl triisk Ylount l' Ii of (Memioda ihe niaiuuKl In in lniiJrw with fir i ted Pn'Hs ciiitStnetl tin iliflu iiDmh In the wny of eulvin tl (l-irmiUTJiosii iirohlvin Hip 'u to hr hnv ihrt rtnnfly wii! hr fni4 fiitiy flilor olMturto Ij iltourmniavnl WUH alii1 oPiie for KifirMy hecMUM1 i piMpiMun Miul ejIounfi of Ion In thto rhu open brnrlit Hkoif but rot although rrt' fornard bad N'en iiiude vs I tli iho nlrolh und of the li'MiUP nrt un Import -not rN'tii'-nl fnuii'il tirtuytrf Alnitif mrimfy Iotl (Vo'l refeired to tho reJpdi'A wi'li which (lie iinlii'dirUo wns eeired and li-i'nhil of mem old 1051 to jicllv te Justly 1 1 py wus placed on proliutlup and lorderad tu make restitution of Slot to the enroll- Voriicrt Thomas Hotel Hlailer nc which AViicn "nfe-s-ieil you an ikit William HatdeinMt 5 yearn old Idled thol the only action now poe-it 11600 In piece of 51 Nlaghra aireel IrfUttiport wa aible waa rtlamlsael 1 1ed Hchmldt who moves nn lo severely injured when si ruuk by I wo Th corporation ptopoaed lu oper-I17M0 salary Th intmiiltie -ilo an-! iroliia at Ihe Whexifleld rroeelng at ate buee on a flve-ccnt fare baala I "roved the appolntmrnt of William 1 1 Nnnh ToniweBdi i tale fkursdn" He The chamber if comtnerrr In It MaTy Jr ae nssiatsu altnr- I 1" Jn-f McmorUH hosp-t-H llunlM1r result lull raid that It waa unable nT rf Frank lire! Thorn is-- i where surgeon say hi itarces fo -la(l "lo nd a ginific btut ryalem any- elected anrrisl i-min-y Jiulga Ilf- arc doubtful Paul AxkuImi la years li 371 rluro In the t'nited Bla tea charging lTh i port pajs JSilu a Hardeman nl taint) 7" 111 I Sycornui-a et niu srriii i a fivecm fare and giving unlrtrael vii-v t-iin whfn atruvh a u- tranafera whicn Wa being operated re rn iru nDriurtl I 511 iLEy lomobll drive hy Max Vil i-i Bticecnl-jlly under conultlona auena ALLcCED ALIEN PROVEN and ImHert to a Trrh Fllhitiuc he wai 011' proposed in Buffftlo AMERICAN IS LIBERATED both leg I dajf'nlBk! Rat-ul at iii fjur F'-rii Hpenrer of rtocheal-r re-! Hardinuin was 'JlT tv llninT who -ia p--oc'dira li-clan lh lawknot-i piiippln' atsei atiffarcd brulsra on Ihe hea1 nrd liga when he vu by an autn driven by t'anar Hnieiu 151' Eieclrla avriue Juackawantii- as he Waa ic-os lilt Uunibuii mar tiie niualc p-i baih- HAZEL FINES JOYRIDING fiillj' nfod by Mm rounwl con as Ihf Iac ipii Bmiutwojr niopprd anil I rrcklrsa driving Imt eentance wa Riving i-niniNiralleiVUplnri provided ho ninku reatlt'j- limn of IJ'IU to ri-iph'e Klefner 1770 i-VnU It thl si rent was charged that Iuin m'ey of Iii'Iiih'M'-s Unit ita drove through a Siifel utki nr nvr? 4T nsrt hom Imml- i and (hwlwn VIOLATORS OF DYER ACT iftmtlun nuthorUSM hrre hv: brr I will hla 1 ml famlU -lir Jk Harvi-y Vaeliy IS year old sales- i seeking to deport an alien a'rcei-01' lh man for the llmtaon Motor Her cola- hi releny from Auburn eon where 1 puny Chicago und Ocrald Balaam he served a term fo-- tr-ind larceny DnSTOAUi TUS I TURC LMUIHi Jfruin a frac-ureil ekuil n-d tior Williams wiiu ni i a- lu the poke vu bid POSTPONE LAUNCHING a-I -meat i ever III woman i rvuucm ttu-n in nary m1 rs1'-rso'rkVf wta released by Judg) lnYi BU'loi "lubitlng th IJ-ar act pro- rrnl court Fr day was definite- Qf PIER 3 H'liltlnig the tranepurtatioa of rtolen i estabIshed Hiintu-r was bon In motor car by Slate Judge i failed 7 Th- Inunchlnr of th Hzr yrhlny Verify waa fined till) I he had ord he wai the nw Buff I Hnzfl FrMny ei ijy OF BRIDGE FOUR AMERICAN FLiEPS crib for uler AWARDED LEGION CWSt Bnffqlo-Fn-l frir Dcj 11 Four rar work rf making industry m-iia- dIIDI CCnilC CUDUf ftlMMCD he n'ii" t'f vul'ui iitiifli vfiuri-1 oUnLtwUUt nUW UnnCln 1 on hoop iroit aucccrfiil Th? fnn iha 1 i local foctorlrn nr iuk-Inrhy me who lirvo gi-arl- nnicd frnsii juur vrurrej ami iiih iti-1 9 coinuffin? ihon :0 continiiiiflon ok ppu'cil out nf court SH0W OWNER OUT OF COURT! UUI ur wUUn I i-i--u-r of the at til I'ncly llieatu I ail ratomn $S'i b-ldg--- which wn i (or Frblriy wa postponed until Halttniny bs--nuae prepnrat onx were not complete If the ivrall'rr prrmlls the nth will he towed into pmdHnn hy M-ow Hunday Her 3 will lie located In th channel between the ol-t ctiy water In-wka and the r'prap between lii rlvrr and the ranal tl will be the first pier lo be launched in Ihe jUotr at Kill Iffbiiu in Tunadu ami liudgr Haxrl lie riiorr tu lr In New York lenient in view uf Ibe fari Vrto-i I and the cxpluii Keemcd to be a joy- IRISH LITERATURE TOPIC AT COMMONWEAL CLUB POLICE SERGEANT PROMOTED NIAGARA FALLS Ont iWi' 1 1--- (JreRitefl the ineinhcra of the Stuff Serpnnt EjA weal Thuiwlny night In ihe not URivrr4'llv erjny It will Insure nh lor in 11 lh ucru puoiiA growl of i im Wilton rLihilng to lia a murion- u-itii' Hie nrx Jthn-year ronirarr for th m-tot'a ftrrvirrii Did Mton illuinN nlifglirv FARJB Vr-er-ban aviator who aericil with Iho Hkertflan racodrlUe in Ike war In Morns cn have been awarded the irons of the legion of Honor for 'al'uniiy in heitlr They are Mrjor ansville A Pollock or Nw Orleyna M'iJot James Hkrian of Daytona Fla t'ap-tiln lorslng Holden of New Vuh and tjeutenont William ('nnainft of Vew Orison Tko orrirlal pi-eaeatglicn will plui-e nl ti Hotel Dee Invalldra I cemher 77 whrn a nmnbr- of Pifti i officer from Bc-a and also will be decora rd Vlurs'ia lain I expected to review the tim-p-nn that orcaatoa lfhid iwo-yrwr contr-urt with ELECTS PARISH OFFICERS YAJStfAW Pc Al i liu uur wrtul 7 nual meeting of Trlnl in'-Hi 7w-! Wlliii ard II kaffuid ivu4 a ei-ied Junior fo the iT bund ua tlie patties wera warden for tvu yerrs and Harry jaliciiMii appevr before Justice Pierce Coltnn npd Drlin Suiirein coiut It peranaded her In ITenJivmin Smith vraLrymcn for throe aoirr-at Hie advice ui atturnea wiiu had come to Itifialn got in toucli Wtli lieen lu charge of the sniiHd of Hoyul i Duffalu hotel on the lupic of Irish ohnnm I Mounted police here fur Ihe past few I It ern til hlncc llif 11th cenur" I year baa boon promoted to Windsor Ont Bergen nt A D'rtawletl lias ancrrrded Bergrant Joyce The laureate In growth of the Windsor post lias made the charge nrcrsnryj Dr Lappln gave illustrative read- Burglar Inga from th work of Veil 'ilum 'store of 51 l-etla Joseph Cimpbcll and 1 aireel other Irish poem ihe side who entered Mi-Keouiih 1315 Mala early Friday hy forcing npeh door were frightened away Five Local Businessmen One Under $10000 Bail-More Arrests Expected Mmr irMl i cm-nertl'in pi-rl er'en cf six liuliu ss ii" by Rsle ts J- -mid prolilhll'on offleer on clterges or violatin'? Ill I'P-i ai-t are nlwi belli rn" viidalPin rf lh cuetom law In the irinufactura of if rii stamp ami ur-In wild niani-f ivlure of whi-ki Those under arrest me llj-mnn tini-1 ni-t sd hi sot Hsmiiel liitHe i'9 Superior stre-l I Helmerle drngquit fl Ncwflekl sirrtt: AI-f-nd ya-ilen-j Helmerln's clerk: lim Msl-sman foi- the I ininpriny l-nror I'o'csalej lit 51a attert aid O-np-s Fogarty se-rctarv rnd tie'-sinw 'h Hni: rhrm'eal r-impany tm Ms's us1 Alt the nail are hold ul the Erie fiiamy w'lh lit tiTptnn i-r Scp'eiiva who nrs vide I'lrrisi fin no tvli la lia'vel w'ali sclllur whirly ln nn ainoimt Pi rjirrss thin el'owed liv grvrrnmenl jsinii: About load sourloiis reveiiiie ale-nos for srnihix the liquor wore found In Ids Ktor agents al'pge md Fogarty a (-hii-gpd supplying I'qimn lo Heims'l It is h) the ro--ernmem nfficer that Hym-ir end Smnue! (Tnldman lisri dnsr -ilk seveml HinitKiPd lHitlls und seiil'Bg parophfiifthn i l'r IregN nnd win PTIl In IhP'r lmtlllnc wp'-ks and that they hare Rsaisi'd In Ida I ml James irvin nnd William Jon ue-groe IkmiiVHii at lilt Rlrig- mid lairkawnnne wet arrested hy postul Inapecinra on of a t-hei-k for 143 from the innkbox their home Thr rhA was sent hy tha Ijehlglt Valley rallrnoil to Junrs Chrl onwar of lh house nci-eii! 1100 In lUttlepent uf the ui if I No Other Gift Can Compare Thousands of SHIRTS the kind he likes tp tvear SPONSORED IY HARO RAFT FOR HIS CHRISTMAS GIFT Give Him Shirts with ow label ORE men buy chirts here 'than irom ary other store in Buffalo tVJL Became they know that we know what they like what they want ha: they wear That's why shirts with our label are always more accept For Chrhtmai rilt giving we've gathered thousands and thousand of it hi rtf It's the largeat and finrrt collection ever shown in the cisy make lour ic'cctfen now while the asrortment is so complete For ii Ben Wade Pipes njlancc: Shirts at $2 Shirts at $225 Shirts at $350 producing Tiano THINK! No gift can mean so much as the endowment of all the music for family and friends to share in all the years of a lifetime The DUO' ART is available in instruments of varying price range from Stein way Steck world famous -Weber Vheelock Stroud and Aeolian grand and upright pianos and convenient payment terms may be arranged" Decide TODAY 5695 Strsud DUO-ART DpnpJtf Ffcna Some ate of fine madras some of rich imported English htoaddoth Nor rft pallet ns as as plain colors in collar-attached and neckband styles In holiday boxes Woven madras shirt smartly striped ttiih lup Iroug raaon (artificial si Ik) in etvr-popufar nrcktand style Many colors and Patterns to choose ram lit holiday foxes Collar-aUachtd him in ncu fancy mill chetkciril tloidii that are nrau art ihoututhly rotrcci The man rectlvim these ill vpnett reirr select mn In holiday kixtt needn't be ex- travaent to give a gift that'a fine The aristocratic Ben Wade Pipe I i a h-made guava and trim in line rich grained and gleaming in surface the patrician among pipes will be gn eloquent spokesman for your good taste and pet will be easy on your purse Shirts at $385 Shirts at $5 Shirts at $875 iFsat-IaqislifO Silk shirts of luxurious quality with separate silk collars to match-in solid shades of blue peach ion White in neckband style only Holiday boxes of roune These are alf-rayon artificial siiki in plain pat-urns at well as fancy designs They'ie lustrous seiefceabfe uushabie splendid lot holiday gilt litint In a ttiacliir Chrutmas boxes The Manhattan Shirt Co tailored -these imported Ftench shillings in their finest manner They hate separate starched matching collars Disfincl*tvfy hamTsome In net el holiday boxes' Ben Wcde Pipe iu a hundred shapes at all Snyder Stores Denton Cottier Daniels ixc White Bioadcloth Shirts Gift Certificates ate No charge for $225 Others to $1450 Alu ays Acceptable Holit'ttyBoxcs KLEINHANS The Christmas Sine tv Men and Boys Main Clikfun end Washington i Open Until i Court and Pearl Street Headquarters for Dependable Radio Joseph Snyder lltlHSiv Ul MAIN STREET Caasaaiaat Branch.

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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


Where is my Buffalo newspaper? ›

The Buffalo News is located at the corner of Washington and Scott Streets in downtown Buffalo.

What is the Buffalo Newspaper called? ›

The Buffalo News | Buffalo NY.

How do I cancel my subscription to the Buffalo News? ›


What is Buffalo State ranked in the US news? ›

SUNY Buffalo State University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities North, #119.

Who owns The Buffalo News? ›

This historic day brought to you by Lee Enterprises, which bought The Buffalo News from Berkshire-Hathaway January 2020.

What is the black newspaper in Buffalo NY? ›

The Buffalo Criterion is the oldest Black owned weekly newspaper in Western New York.

Is the Buffalo News app free? ›

Free to download. Subscribers enjoy unlimited access.

What is the new address for the Buffalo News? ›

The Buffalo News is no stranger to change, and it is welcoming a big one this week and next week as it moves its offices from 1 News Plaza on Washington Street to 726 Exchange St. in Larkinville.

Who is the editor of The Buffalo News? ›

Sheila Rayam is executive editor for The Buffalo News.

Where is The Buffalo News printed? ›

30, 2023, marking the end of an era in Buffalo. The newspaper will continue to publish seven days a week with the paper being printed in Cleveland and delivered to Buffalo each day.

What county is Buffalo, NY in? ›

Erie County is a metropolitan center located on the western border of New York State covering 1,058 square miles and consisting of three cities and 25 town governments. Buffalo serves as the county seat and is the second largest city in the State.

How do I cancel a subscription I don't want? ›

Identify all your subscriptions. Check your credit card statements for recurring payments. One easy way to do this is use a subscription tracking tool, such as Rocket Money or OneMain Trim, which finds and then helps you cancel subscriptions you no longer want. Second, opt out!

How do I cancel my subscription renewal? ›

On your Android device, go to subscriptions in Google Play. Select the subscription you want to cancel. Tap Cancel subscription. Follow the instructions.

What is the literacy rate in Buffalo NY? ›

When it comes to adult literacy in Buffalo, the city finds itself a little bit behind the rest of the country. Around 30 percent of adults qualify as "functionally illiterate" in Buffalo, which is 10 percent higher than the national average, according to Literacy New York Buffalo Niagara.

How many fans do the Buffalo Bills have? ›

In 2023, the Buffalo Bills NFL franchise saw a significant turnout of fans at their home games during the regular season, with a total of 626,483 attendees.

How popular is Buffalo Bills? ›

The Bills were the most searched team in New York, amassing 1.14 million of their average monthly searches in the state alone. The Bills are also the second most popular team in the NFL for 2023.

How many people does the Miss Buffalo hold? ›

The Miss Buffalo II is a 100-ton, open-air vessel with two decks, two bars and two heads that can carry 198 passengers.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.