The Daily Sentinel-Tribune from Bowling Green, Ohio (2024)

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Eleven ed another plane at the same air port but that occasion was over cast by grief they were going to Chicago for the funeral of Mike Todd Miss third hus band Horseshoe crabs found along the Atlantic seaboard are more closely related to scorpions and spiders than to true crabs THE DAILY SENTINEL BOWLING GREEN OHIO Barber Shop Quartet Singers Appointed To Committees Jsp SOMETHING TO CRY Mary Greenan 8 and her play mate Patricia Mahoney 8 cry after they were told that the four kittens which they found and are cuddling must be turned over to the Animal Rescue League in Boston The rea son for the cold decision Mary and Pat live in a housing project and their unsympathetic landlord has said: I Wednesday May 13 1959 1 HOUSES OR SALE 84 4 BEDROOM ranch 2 baths stone lsi and brick carpeting drapes dish 1 washer fireplace 439 Hillcrest Phone 21463 'NEW 3 bdrm modern Colonial brick 3 bdrm brick ranch (3 yrs old both with double ga rages LOTS OR SALE Call 7511 days 36871 nights and Sun n5 ROOM bath at 701 ifth St i Home newly remodeled $6800 Inquire 325 Maple BUSINESS LOCATION and home I in commercial district New I terms Call 5734 IN CYGNET 9 rm house hard wood floors 4 bdrms I'z baths large lot Carl White Phone Cygnet 31 LOTS OR SALE 85 hRLINGTONCOURT Westgate addition $1700 1850 See your real estate broker LOTS 60 150 Priced at $500 I Terms $50 down $25 a month I A Woodburn Ph Grand Rap I ids 22282 Providence By MRS LAURA LUDWIG Mrs Beatrice Borer spent the past two weeks in Columbus vis iting relatives Mrs Paul and iMrs Estel Ludwig motored toColumbus Sunday to bring Mrs Borer back home Committees for the coming year were appointed at the Monday evening meeting of the Wood County Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encourage ment of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America Inc Donald Simmons vice presi dent will be chairman of the Membership Committee Ed ward Richard will be Program Committee chairman and Jerry Marion will head the Publicity and Public Relations Committee The possibility of sponsoring a barbershop quartet and chor usf parade in Wood County this fall was discussed and a com mittee will be named later to Common Pleas Court Entries Common Pleas Judge loyd A Coller has made the following en tries: 35394 Charles Smith vs Les ter Stewart Plaintiff may publish for non residents and unknown heirs 35386 Dorothy Irene rank vs John Edward rank Dismiss plan for it according to Dean Roach chapter president Ned Cox club treasurer gave a report Ernie Keyes reported on a recent meeting in indlay attended by three chap ter members A family picnic for this summer also was discussed Mr Roach said that dues could be paid on the installment plan A 12 man chorus was appoint ed to sing at public appearances Members are: tenors Dick Bostdorf Mr Keyes and the Rev Bryan Maxey: leads Kenneth Prast Jack Thompson and David Willmarth baritones Mr Cox Mr Marion and Hayden Crabtree basses Mr Richard Mr Roach and Mr Simmons It was announced that the chor us and a chapter quartet will pro vide the entertainment at the an nual ather and Son Banquet at St Lutheran Church on Tuesday May 26 starting at 6:30 pm A special chorus rehearsal has been called for Monday eve ning in the Courthouse Assem bly Room to practice songs forthe appearance The group will also practice at the next regular meeting Monday May 25 also in the Assembly Room The chapter also agreed to sub sidize membership of high school students in the group Any high school student under 18 years old upon paying $2 and showing inter est in joining the chapter will have the remainder of his dues paid by the chapter Selection bf the new high school members will be cleared by the membership committee Ralph Runyan of Toledo the chorus director conducted a prac tice of several songs following the business meeting Refreshments were served and several pick up quartets presented numbers Paul Nusser of 136 Reed Ave and Ron Curry of Weston were guests Monday evening Eddie Liz To Honeymoon Aboard Yacht LOS ANGELES (UPD Newly weds Eddie isher and Elizabeth Taylor flew today toward New York and a European honeymoon for beginning of a whole new Married in a 15 minute Jewish ceremony at sundown Tuesday three hours after isher shed Deb bie Reynolds secret in a 12 minute Nevada divorce the young couple flew to Los An geles and boarded a plane late Tuesday night for New York They will spend seven hours in New York where they reserved rooms at the Waldorf Astoria In Europe they will pass part of their honeymoon aboard a luxury yacht off Barcelona Spain Miss Taylor clad in a pink and gray dress and hat said feel like Mrs isher never been happier in my The couple sat together aboard a Las Vegas to Los Angeles plane after the wedding singing Jewish folk songs and signing autographs for fellow passengers At International Airport they ordered a bottle of champagne to continue their celebration aboard the jet liner taking them to New York Only 14 months previously Miss Taylor 27 and isher 30 board CHEER UP! fl Now buy a car or anything I I on the new II Jy Xfflv Ask us or your dealer tomorrow and enjoy yourself ClTYlX Mr and Mrs Ward Winover called on Mrs Hattie Wittes and Nancy of Waterville Sunday Mrs May Johnston spent Mon day afternoon and evening with Agnes and Mary Myles of Tole do 1 Mrs Underwood is the (proud great grandmother of a baby girl born to Mr and MrsJames George of West Millgrove The little miss is called Vickie Sue Mr and Mrs Howard Winter and Susan of Toledo Mr and Mrs Glen Winter and family were Saturday afternoon callers of Mr and Mrs John Winter I Sunday dinner guests of Mrs May Johnston for Day 1 and also for her birthday wereMr and Mrs Vern Liddle of Iwaterville Mr and Mrs Paul Van Gunten and daughter of Ta i' ledo Mr and Mrs Richard John i futon and family of Maumee Mr and Mrs Russell Johnston andPhyllis of Bowling Green Mr and Mrs Roy Johnston and fMary Lou Mr and Mrs Grant Lawrence Joan and Dennis Mr and Mrs red Miller were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs red Graf of Vermilion Mrs Kate Schaller of Toledo was a Sunday visitor of Mr and Mrs John Winter Sunday after noon callers were Mr and Mrs ed 34864 Bertha Lawrence JMi nor) vs Robert A Stephens (mi mor) Plaintiff given leave to plead on or before May 1 34866 Jerry Lawrence vs Robert A Stephens Plaintiff given leave to plead on or before May 1 34680 Hilda Solarik vs Ruben Santos Dismissed 35233 rank Weaks vs Earl Maurer Dismissed 34149 rank Crusa vs Jesse Crusa Title of cars filed etc 35068 Mabie Meade vs James Cole Dismissed 35297 Ecomony Savings and Loan vs Kenneth Pastorek Wil lys Motors Inc ordered to pay to attorney the sum of $100 from money in his possession and agree to pay $25 per week on balance 35403 Pendleton and Haddon aka Hoytville Lumber Co vs Rubon Bower et al Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $137330 in terest and costs Execution award ed 35257 Sharon Jordan vs Rob ert Jordan Divorce granted plain tiff 35404 Kenneth Solether et al vs John Smith et al Plaintiff may publish for non residents and unknown heirs Play Clear railroad tracks are safe ones Be sure they are clear first LEMMING GETS DEGREE GARDEN CITY NY (UPD Secretnry of Health Education and Welfare Arthur lemming I was awarded an honorary degree 1 Monday at I he Adelphi College annual spring convocation Cloyce Adams and family Mr and Mrs Roy Johnston and Mary Lou Mr and Mrs Donald Gray A birthday dinner was held Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Lewis Baumbarger of Bas com for their son 21st birthday Those present were Mr and Mrs Billy Baumbarger and sons of Port Clinton Mr and Mrs Waldon inks and family Mr and Mrs Charles Bauinbar ger Sr 35010 In Re: Appropriation of Lands Belonging to Ray Ster ling et al Proceeds distributed 35318 Kugler vs Thom as Sutton Doris Sutton made party defendant with leave to plead 32830 Avis Krotzer vs Charles Krotzer Defendant ordered to pay $25 per week and medical hospi talization etc 33277 Martha Orwig vs Rol land Orwig Defendant ordered to pay $20 for support and $525 on arrearage totaling $2525 per week 35406 Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in rel Helen Wohlga muth vs Thomas A Wohlgamuth Hearing set for May 16 35252 Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in rel Esther Jacobs Hearing set for May 16 35407 Bertha Dennis vs Charles Dennis et al Judg ment on cognovit note in favor of plaintiff for $729750 Interest and execution awarded 35337 Harriett McDermott vs rederick McDermott Inventiga lion ordered 34839 I Elizabeth Mullen vs James Mullen et al Dismissed 35089 Northern Ohio Tele phone Co vs Howard Ward Plaintiff to amend petition as set forth in specification 1 2 3 and 4 denied etc 4837 Stale of Ohio vs Harry Devel Defendant released on bond to await sentence 4838 State of Ohio vs Charles DeWitt Jr Defendant reijianded to jail to await sentence 4843 State of Ohio vs James Hess Defendant remanded to jail to await sentence 4844 State of Ohio vs Harry Defendant remanded to jail for six months and license revoked for period of 18 months 4845 state of Ohio vs Cuba Pack Defendant remanded to jail to await trial Karl Mollenberg appointed council 4848 Stale of Ohio vs Roy Armitage Defendant remanded to jail to await sentence 4849 State of Ohio vs rank Perry Defendant remanded to jail to await sentence 4851 State of Ohio vs Paul Wash Defendant's bail of $750 ap proved etc 4852 State of Ohio vs Douglas Talman bail of $750 approved etc 33063 Betty Jo McNary vs Jack McNary Support pay ments not in arrears Concrete ICall Poured 1'or Schrier Bridge One of the concrete walls that form the support for a steel deck of girders has been poured at the site of the new Schrier Rd bridge County Engineer Orton Jones said today the second wall will tbe poured soon and then the steel portion will be installed He said much severe weather could hold the project back but with good weather it should be in operation by June 15 About 50 cubic yards of concrete were estimated as the amount needed to form a base structure for the bridge There are two walls The Schrier Rd bridge was damaged by the mid winter floods or The inest In Heating And Air Conditioning MODERN HEATING 210 MAIN PHONE 9625 Plagued Day And Night with Bladder Discomfort? Unvlie eating or drinking may 60 source of mild but annoying bladder Irri tntlonn making you fee! restless tense and uncomfortable And if restless nights with nagging backache headache or mu cular aches and pains due to over exertiontrain or emotional upset are adding to pour try Doan's Pills Doan's Pills act 3 ways for speedy re liet 1 They have a soothing effect on flhladder Irritations A fast paln rdiev ing action on nagging backache head aches muscular aches and pains 3 A wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the Iridneys tending to increase the output of the If miles of kidney tubes So get the came happy relief millions have enjoyed for over 60 years New large economybe savea money Get Pills today! LENNOX CRESTMONT Sherbet vJ9i 49c MARVEL Ice Cream 9 70 gallons PINEAPPLE OR Lemon Pie 39c CINNAMON Rolls 25e You Can Pul Your Trust in "Super Meats "SUPER QUALITY "1 (ll ROUND or SWISS LU Cl IV Come SeeYou'll Save at A Sirloin Steak 99e Porterhouse Steak 7 1NCH CUT GOVT INSPECTED RESH ISH SEA OODS Rib Steaks 89c Whole ryers 29c raESH R0ZEN ALLGOOD GRADE SMALL LEAN Sliced Bacon 49c Smoked Picnics 39c OUR INEST SPICED Sliced Bacon 59c Luncheon ffleat 99c ALL MEAT CHUNK Skinless ranks lb 49c Brounschweiger 39c MIX or MATCH SALE! LUNCH MEAT Spiced Luncheon Pickle Pimento Olive Loaf Old ashioned Cooked Salami Liver Loaf 3 00 Lesser Quantities at regular retail SANDWICH AVORITES JANE PARKER PLAIN or SEEDED Rye Bread lb loaf 15c SANDWICH SLICED Cooked Ham 89c BRAND SLICED Swiss Cheese 8 oz pkg 35c MIX OR MATCH SALE! 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The Daily Sentinel-Tribune from Bowling Green, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.