The EASIEST And Most EFFICIENT Way To Get Hyperchromes In Roblox Jailbreak - YTread (2024)

If you want to get a hyper


on Chrome, luck will have to be on your side, there is a good chance that you have seen this video because you are having difficulty achieving hyper


s within the jailbreak, if that is the case then don't worry. come to the correct video in this video. I will help you step by step on how to get Hyper Chromes much easier. My ORD server is linked in the pin comment, so if you want to join, check it out in the pen. comment and without further ado let's go straight to the video so before we start you need to know what color you are going to choose now.

If you go for any of these colors I'm about to tell you, then I wouldn't do it. I recommend using this method, but it's always there if you want to use it anyway and those colors are green, yellow, and Diamond. Now, if you go for any of those three colors, I'll give you a brief explanation as to why I don't think you can. You should use this method. I will tell you that the reason I brought out these three colors is because each of these three colors has a much more operational method. I haven't made a video about them yet, later I will make a video about each of these colors, but for now I will give you a brief explanation about these methods, so for green you will need a private server.

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the easiest and most efficient way to get hyperchromes in roblox jailbreak...

When you have a private server, go ahead and join that private server. Now you must wait. for the robbery group to open, if you end up getting a bank in the robbery group go ahead and head to that bank and when you get there go ahead and don't enter the bank, this is the emote you won't need. trim, it costs 50 Robux so go ahead and take the minimum bag from the bank when you have robbed the bank, go ahead and leave the server and then join the server again. If you don't end up getting the bank, go ahead and leave the server and rejoin.

The reason this is so is that you have two or three chances of getting a bank because you will never be able to get the freight train group to start when you join a private server and with the clipless emote you can do that. The banks are so fast you don't even need to get an Al to give you a key card so yeah if you're looking for a green hyper chrome I recommend using that Stratocaster as it's much better so for Diamond it's very similar go ahead , get one. private server and join you have one in three to get a jewelry so keep joining until you get a jewelry so when you get a jewelry go ahead and head there and yeah just rub it like normal now before you actually start the jewelry store, there is something crucial that you want to do, you want to look at the fourth floor of the jewelry store, if it has a palette like this, then what you want to go ahead and do is get your old account to join. your main account needs to go ahead and get a helicopter.

I recommend using the little bird, going to pick up your alternative account from the prison and heading to the jewelry store. Then what you want to do is put your alternate account in the jewelry store then start the robbery with your main account and when you leave the jewelry store go ahead, get in your helicopter and hand over your money and then when you have handed over your cash, move forward and fly back to the jewelry store and then what you want to do is go down to this floor and grab a gym, then just hand over your cash and keep repeating until you get as many gyms as possible.

There are actually two floors of the gym, so this is what the other floor of the gym looks like. Just do the same thing you do with the other gym floor, so for the last yellow color, I'll show you the method that I think works best, so the best way to get yellow is to get the list of jailbroken public servers. and what you want to go ahead and do is join any random public server and then when you've joined go ahead and look at your map to see if there's an open train, if there's no open train, like the freight train or the passenger train.

Go ahead and leave that server and rejoin any other public server other than the original one. If you end up opening a passenger or cargo train, go ahead and head to that train and rob it, the reason this is actually a good meth method in my opinion is because you have a chance or two of joining a server with an open train, since there are only four groups and two of those groups have a train in the group, so yeah, that's a good way to get yellow. hyperchrome okay so now we come to what is the best or



way to get


within the jailbreak, well that method of course is Mansion hop.

Now you may think that the mansion robbery is a difficult robbery, but the chances of getting a hypc are actually doubled on the screen right now, actually the chances of getting a hyperchrome for each level, but this excludes the Mansion, this is for any other heist excluding the mansion and now these are the chances of getting a hyperchrome from the mansion for each level, as you can see, it has doubled. Each of the levels have doubled the odds, which is crazy, so because the chances of getting a Hyperchrome are doubled, it's actually a lot easier to get a Hyperchrome from here.

I can see that I got two level five luck from Mansion before, so yeah, now that you know why jumping from Mansion is the best and



way to get Hyperchromes, let's go over how you jump from Mansion now, before you even start jumping from Mansion. Mansion. to get some invites now to get an invite you need to find a box and these boxes are located in one of the two deserts on the jailbreak map now, before I show you the best way to invite hop, I'm going to give you a very good tip that I suggest you do right now, so there is this app called Block Strap, you may or may not have it.

I'll put a link in the description on how to get it, but when you get it or if you already have it. go and click on Quick Flags and when you have clicked on Quick Flags, go to the minu version of Preferred Escape and set it to default to 2020 which is version 2. I will show you why this is very cool in a second, okay, to get a bunch of invites go ahead and join any random small server, then when you've loaded it up go ahead and choose the police team and if you don't show up at the police station near the museum go ahead and respawn by restarting your character and spawn there the reason why this.

It's really good, you have a good chance of a box appearing in this desert, but keep in mind that you can only do this with a block strap, that's why you need to get a block strap, so if you find a box in the desert, go and head there and go ahead and start the box, but when you start the box, freeze your tab by holding the right mouse button on the white bar, as you can see, I'm moving the mouse and my screen is absolutely frozen. Make sure you hold down the right click and you can move the mouse anywhere on the screen.

Oh yeah, keep in mind that this only works on Windows, so for Mac players, sorry this doesn't work for you, but there are other glitches for Mac and mobile users, so I'll cover them below, but yeah basically after you have collected the box leave the server and join a new small server and just repeat the same process oh yeah and if you don't end up getting a box in this desert restart your character and spawn in the base military and what you want to go ahead and do is get completely away from your character and turn the volume all the way up and just hear a beeping sound, this is what The sound of a beeping sound sounds like this, yeah, if you hear that sound, that means there's an airdrop nearby so go ahead and look for that airdrop once you've found the airdrop in that desert just go ahead and pick up the box now there are a couple of other glitches if you're a mac or mobile user, so if you see an airdrop drop like this, go ahead and jump out of your vehicle and then you'll want to crawl and line up with the box to go right under it like what I've done here, then you don't have to do anything other than open the box and as you can see, when the NPC is full, they will draw their weapons, but they won't actually shoot you because they have no idea where. you're like you're hiding under this box so go ahead and finish the box right so if you really end up dying from the NPCs you can keep pressing e as you can see here with 1 second left. until you choose generate, then you click on choose generate and keep pressing e and you will get the box, as you can see.

I have it right there. Here's another example, as you can see, I just died, but if I keep pressing e and click choose. spawn when it's 1 second just keep pressing e as you can see this box is still opening and I just got the box while I was dead so don't spawn until the last is possible now that you have a lot of them. invites, let's go over how to jump to Mansion, as there are a few methods here, so the first method to actually jump to Mansion is to use the door glitch. This is a really good method if you're not that skilled and just want to play.

It's really basic, normally when you fight the CEO you have to do this very long boss fight and this can take a while and sometimes you can even end up dying and you don't want to die because if you die you will have to die. restart everything again, it just takes too long, so let's go over how the Strat gate works. To do the Strat gate, you will need two to three players, three players makes it faster, but it still works. Very good with only two players, so to do this one of you is going to have to stand here by the door and the other person is going to shoot the CEO and as you can see when the CEO is shot, the NPCs are not attacking anyone , they're just going for me, but this wall is in the way so they can't shoot me, so as long as you stay absolutely still, you can complete the CEO in about 1 minute alone without making any effort and yeah.

You can see like this, we have completed the CEO. Heck, I'm even one of the two


in line and here's me playing the CEO as the person not at the door but shooting him, as you can see. I'm just going to shoot the head right now. I'm just shooting normally with a pistol, but what really speeds things up a lot faster is if you put an auto clicker on, this is me using an auto clicker and as you can see, I get a lot more. it shoots a lot faster so I really recommend getting an auto clicker and just using it on your gun this will speed things up a lot so yeah if you just know general polishing I think this could be a good method if you don't .

I don't have grenades. I'll explain in a moment why grenades are actually good, as the second method involves grenades again. You can do this with two people. You can have two people shoot the CEO while one person stays at the door, but yeah, generally no. It's a bad method, you can kill the CEO pretty quickly and with very little effort, so yeah, let's move on to the second method, okay, this method is much better in my opinion, you can kill the CEO in up to 20 seconds with three. people, you should have two to three people. I really recommend three people, because if you have three people, you can literally do the CEO in about 15 to 20 seconds.

It's that easy, so for this method to work, you and your friends are going to have to grab 10 grenades and I also highly recommend getting the flintlock and an AK or a rifle. You can even use the gun if you want, so go ahead and head to the mansion. Okay, so to start, when? you start the boss fight go ahead and crawl under the CEO and bring him here like I'm doing as you can see and then he just rolls over and then he should stay there so if you're doing this Duo have the other person throw the 10 grenades at the CEO and then shoot your flint lock and then when it has exploded throw your tin grenades and this should do half the damage to the CEO and kill all the m and then go ahead and shoot the CEO as usual custom and just Kill him normally and this should cut down a lot of your time as you can see.

I'm doing this with the gifted and we did it with the CEO in literally 20 to 30 seconds and this was with two people, so imagine what it could be like with three. people so here it is with three people go ahead and put the buddy here normally sometimes it might fail to put it there so go ahead and crawl under it and just roll and you should get it just like I did so now you want get it. two people must throw the 10 grenades, then the flint and right after the two people's set of grenades has exploded, the other person must throw their grenades, basically doing all the damage to the CEO and finishing off the CEO with their weapons and just like that we have finished the CEO in about 10 to 15 seconds, it's that operation, so yes, if you are using any method, I really recommend the grenade method, this is actually very good with three people, if you were the CEO jumping, I would really recommend using this, but now I will show you how to make the CEO jump toGet as many CEOs as possible, so what you want to move forward with is get a list of public servants so you can go down or up.

It doesn't really matter too much but yeah I usually like to have it with the smallest amount of players because then you have a higher chance of not getting a CEO stolen but yeah basically just join any of the servers and make sure you keep track of what server you are on. has joined, so when you have joined the server, go ahead and look at what time you want to join the servers that have a 3 p.m. a 2: a. m., any moment in between is very good now, why is that so? Basically, the CEO always opens at 6:00 p.m. m. so you want to go ahead and steal this CEO and close at 4:00 a.m. m., so if you join a server and it's 2:00 a.m. m. on Max you might be able to make him CEO oh yeah and again I really recommend getting the strap lock and getting the 2020 menu for this as this helps a lot but yeah as you can see it's 9:00 a.m. . m. right now, so this server is kind of junk, so you want to go ahead and join a new server, since I just joined this one, but I'm going to go ahead and join this one now, as you can see, We just loaded and it's 1:30. a.m. so go ahead and be a cop and Mansion is open and then you want to use the lock strap to reset your character and spawn in the military base.

The reason you want to spawn at the military base is because it's the closest spawn to the mansion so just go ahead and grab your grenades if you want to use the Strat grenade and then go ahead and spawn a vault bike and ride to the jet, since jet is the best vehicle to get there, you can use any vehicle I guess. but the jet is the quickest option to get there, and then once you get there, go ahead and head here, of course, you don't have to use the Strat grenade. I highly recommend it, although if you have friends, go ahead. and wait for them, but if it's 4:00 a.m. m., go inside and wait for 4:00 a.m. m. because the Mansion closes at 4:00 a. m., so now that it's 4:00 a.m. m.

I can go out and as you can see the mansion hasn't closed it's still open so you can wait for your friends to arrive just make sure you do this so the mansion doesn't close but yeah when you're ready move on and steal the Mansion, however you want, you can use either of the two glitch, the door glitch, the whole Strat grenade or you can just steal it normally, it's completely up to you, but I highly recommend using the Strat grenade, but that doesn't include two or three players. but after you're done with the Mansion, just go ahead and leave the server and then I would refresh the page and then look for a new server starting with this one, for example, and following these Help servers until you find one, but yeah.

This is how your CEO jumps properly, if you do a CEO jump this way and use the grenade form with three people you can get up to 20 CEOs per hour, it's really good, you never know, you can even get a hyperchrome, like this Yes, in conclusion, CEO. Jumping is probably the best method nowadays to get a hyperchrome as the chances of getting a hyperchrome are doubled from the Mansion so you can get one very quickly from here but yeah thank you all so much for watching the video , if you enjoyed it. Make sure you like it and subscribe if you want to see more content like this.

Yes, I'll see you in another video.

The EASIEST And Most EFFICIENT Way To Get Hyperchromes In Roblox Jailbreak - YTread (2024)
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