What the Music You Love Says About You and How It Can Improve Your Life (2024)

The Music You Love Tells Me Who You Are

Ever been a bit judgey when you hear someone’s taste in music? Of course you have.

And you were right — music tells you a lot about someone’s personality.

Research has learned a great deal about the power of music:

  • Your musical taste does accurately tell me about you, including your politics.
  • Your musical taste is influenced by your parents.
  • You love your favorite song because it’s associated with an intense emotional experience in your life.
  • The music you enjoyed when you were 20 you will probably love for the rest of your life.
  • And, yes, rockstars really do live fast and die young.
  • But enough trivia. It also turns out music affects your behavior — and much more than you might think.

    Studies show music can lead you to drink more, spend more, be kind, or even act unethically.

    No, rock and heavy metal don’t lead people to commit suicide — but it’s possible that country music might:

    The results of a multiple regression analysis of 49 metropolitan areas show that the greater the airtime devoted to country music, the greater the white suicide rate.

    Music is so powerful it’s even possible to become addicted to music.

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    But can we really use scientific research on music to improve our lives? Absolutely.

    Here are 9 ways:

    1) Music Helps You Relax

    Yes, research shows music is relaxing.

    I know, I know, obvious, right? But what you might not know is the type of music that helps people relax best.

    Need to chill out? Skip the pop and jazz and head for the classical.

    Via Richard Wiseman’s excellent book 59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute:

    Blood pressure readings revealed that listening to pop or jazz music had the same restorative effect as total silence. In contrast, those who listened to Pachelbel and Vivaldi relaxed much more quickly, and so their blood pressure dropped back to the normal level in far less time.

    (More things that relieve stress are here.)

    2) Angry Music Improves Your Performance

    We usually think of anger as something that’s just universally bad. But the emotion has positive uses too.

    Anger focuses attention on rewards, increases persistence, makes us feel in control and more optimistic about achieving our goals.

    When test subjects listened to angry music while playing video games, they got higher scores.

    Via The Science of Sin: The Psychology of the Seven Deadlies (and Why They Are So Good For You):

    What Tamir and her colleagues found was that people preferred to listen to the angry music before playing Soldier of Fortune. Faced with a task in which anger might serve a useful function, facilitating the shooting of enemies, participants opted for an anger boost. What’s more, listening to the angry music actually improved performance…

    (More on how to boost productivity here.)

    3) Music Reduces Pain

    When ibuprofen isn’t doing the job, might be time to put on your favorite song.

    Research shows it can reduce pain:

    Preferred music was found to significantly increase tolerance and perceived control over the painful stimulus and to decrease anxiety compared with both the visual distraction and silence conditions.

    (More research based tricks for reducing pain here.)

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    4) Music Can Give You A Better Workout

    What’s the best thing to have on your iPod at the gym?

    The weight room is no place to try new genres. Playing your favorites can boost performance:

    The performance under Preferred Music (9.8 +/- 4.6 km) was greater than under Nonpreferred Music (7.1 +/- 3.5 km) conditions. Therefore, listening to Preferred Music during continuous cycling exercise at high intensity can increase the exercise distance, and individuals listening to Nonpreferred Music can perceive more discomfort caused by the exercise.

    (More ways to improve your health here.)

    5) Music Can Help You Find Love

    Want to get the interest of that special someone? Put on the romantic music.

    Women were more likely to give their number to men after hearing love songs:

    …the male confederate asked the participant for her phone number. It was found that women previously exposed to romantic lyrics complied with the request more readily than women exposed to the neutral ones.

    (More on how science can make you a better kisser here.)

    6) Music Can Save A Life

    Do you know the proper way to give CPR chest compressions? Turns out timing is key.

    And how can you best remember that timing during an emergency?

    Sing “Stayin’ Alive” by the BeeGees. Yes, I’m serious:

    …Dr. John Hafner of the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Peoria had 15 physicians and med students perform the 100-compression procedure (on mannequins) while listening to the Bee Gees classic “Stayin’ Alive.” As Hafner reports in the Journal of Emergency Medicine, their mean compression rate was an excellent 109.1. Five weeks later, they repeated the exercise while singing the song to themselves as a “musical memory aid.” Their mean rate increased to 113.2. The medical professionals reported that the “mental metronome” improved both “their technical ability and confidence in providing CPR.”

    (More things that can improve your health and happiness here.)

    7) Music Can Improve Your Work — Sometimes

    Does music at the office make you work better or just distract you? It’s a much debated issue and the answer is not black and white.

    For the most part, it seems music decreases work performance – but makes you happier while you work:

    …a comparison of studies that examined background music compared to no music indicates that background music disturbs the reading process, has some small detrimental effects on memory, but has a positive impact on emotional reactions…

    That said, a little bit of music can make you more creative. If you have ADHD, noise helps you focus:

    Noise exerted a positive effect on cognitive performance for the ADHD group and deteriorated performance for the control group, indicating that ADHD subjects need more noise than controls for optimal cognitive performance.

    And music with positive lyrics makes you more helpful and collaborative.

    (More on what will make you successful here.)

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    8) Use Music To Make You Smarter

    There is a ton of evidence that music lessons improve IQ.

    But there’s even research that says listening to classical music might boost brainpower as well:

    Within 15 minutes of hearing the lecture, all the students took a multiple-choice quiz featuring questions based on the lecture material. The results: the students who heard the music-enhanced lecture scored significantly higher on the quiz than those who heard the music-free version.

    (More on the most powerful way to easily get smarter here.)

    9) Music Can Make You A Better Person

    Need to soften someone’s heart? Maybe even your own?

    Playing music can make you more compassionate:

    In a year-long program focused on group music-making, 8- to 11-year old children became markedly more compassionate, according to a just-published study from the University of Cambridge. The finding suggests kids who make music together aren’t just having fun: they’re absorbing a key component of emotional intelligence.

    Venezuela made music lessons mandatory. What happened? Crime went down and fewer kids dropped out of school:

    A simple cost-benefit framework is used to estimate substantive social benefits associated with a universal music training program in Venezuela (B/C ratio of 1.68). Those social benefits accrue from both reduced school drop-out and declining community victimization. This evidence of important social benefits adds to the abundant evidence of individual gains reported by the developmental psychology literature.

    (More on how to be a better person here.)

    Sum Up

    So music not only says a lot about you, it provides a myriad of easy ways to make your life better:

  • Music Can Help You Relax
  • Angry Music Improves Your Performance
  • Music Reduces Pain
  • Music Can Give You A Better Workout
  • Music Can Help You Find Love
  • Music Can Save A Life
  • Music Can Improve Your Work — Sometimes
  • Use Music To Make You Smarter
  • Music Can Make You A Better Person
  • Most importantly: Music makes us feel good, and in the end, that’s worth a lot.

    Speaking of music that makes you feel good, ever wondered what English sounds like to people who don’t speak it?

    Then you’ll love this song.

    “An Italian singer wrote this song with gibberish to sound like English. If you’ve ever wondered what other people think Americans sound like, this is it.”

    Join 45K+ readers. Get a free weekly update via email here.

    This piece originally appeared on Barking Up the Wrong Tree

    What the Music You Love Says About You and How It Can Improve Your Life (2024)


    What does your favorite music say about you? ›

    If you are open to new experiences, you may also be open to new and complex music experiences. Extroverted people tend to enjoy contemporary music (especially contemporary music that has upbeat, positive, and danceable features). And agreeable people tend to prefer mellow and serene musical styles.

    How music improves your life? ›

    Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.

    How does music affect your love life? ›

    It is true that music has a big effect on love relationships. It can encourage open conversation and emotional expression, support shared interests and ideals, and foster a feeling of intimacy and connection between couples.

    What does love songs do to a person? ›

    Music theory – that one love song

    It's a heightening of senses, an interruption of thoughts, a visitation from another world. They can bring you back to your happiest or, unfortunately, to your saddest moments in life.

    How does your favorite song affect you? ›

    When you listen to your favorite tunes, your body releases the neurotransmitter dopamine into the dorsal and ventral striatum brain regions. Typically, these parts of the brain light up from stimuli like hugs from loved ones. However, good music can trigger the same reaction, hence the instant mood boosts.

    What makes music special to you? ›

    Music can make you feel different emotions. Sometimes the music we listen to can make us feel happy, sad, excited, brave and other emotions. People who write music are called composers and they write music to make you feel these emotions on purpose.

    How has music changed my life? ›

    Whenever I am happy or sad, I can express my feelings through every note that I play through the dancing of my fingers on the piano keys. Music also soothes my mind when I am in a state of tension. After listening to music, I am able to calm down, take a deep breath and move on.

    Why is music so powerful in our lives? ›

    Music and Mood

    Listening to (or making) music increases blood flow to brain regions that generate and control emotions. The limbic system, which is involved in processing emotions and controlling memory, “lights” up when our ears perceive music.

    How important music is in your life? ›

    Music improves your health and wellbeing

    A study from Harvard has shown that relaxing music may lower blood pressure and heart rate after physical exertion. It can also improve mood and reduce anxiety and through bringing people together, can be an antidote to loneliness and social isolation.

    Why do we fall in love with music? ›

    Music makes us happy

    When we listen to our favorite songs, dopamine is released by two distinct areas of the brain—one involved with intense pleasure and the other involved with anticipation. This combination may explain why people love music so much. Even sad music has been shown to help people feel better.

    How does music connect to your life? ›

    The importance of music goes beyond recalling memories and mood regulation. Music can also be a therapeutic tool for stress relief, healing, and emotional processing. In fact, some therapists use music therapy to manage conditions like anxiety, dementia, and substance use disorders, improving patients' quality of life.

    Why do I love music so much? ›

    Our brains love patterns – music is a pattern.

    In one study published in Nature Neuroscience, led by Zatorre, researchers found that the dopamine release is strongest when a piece of music reaches an emotional peak and the listener feels that spine-tingling sensation of excitement and awe.

    Why are love songs so powerful? ›

    From the first flushes of romance, to heartbreak, loss and lust, the love song puts emotions to words – and music. For thousands of years, humans have put into music the most intense longings of their souls and the deepest regrets of their hearts.

    Can music make you love someone more? ›

    A song also has the power to arouse emotions, get you to cry or smile; Music has a great capacity to make us feel and not only romantic love, it is also a factor that accompanies other types of love and feelings.

    What does it mean if a person loves music? ›

    The research also found that, in general, people who like a wide variety of music tend to be more extraverted, agreeable, and conscientious. People who are higher in neuroticism tend to have less diverse musical tastes.

    What type of music do introverts like? ›

    Most often, introverted individuals favor sophisticated music and/or meaningful lyrics. Inward-directed “introverts” tend to be in touch with their creative side and at ease with their personalities. As a result, it's very easy to see why most classical music fans might be introverts.

    What is your favorite music quote? ›

    Without music, life would be a mistake.” “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” “Virtually every writer I know would rather be a musician.” “Music is what tells us that the human race is greater than we realize.”

    Does the music we listen to affect our behavior? ›

    Music affects our behavior by triggering behavioral responses in our brain based on musical pleasure, anticipation, emotions, and memories. It is a stimulus that targets our brain's dopamine system, which is involved in our behaviors. Our brain categorizes music that exceeds our expectations as one that is pleasurable.

    Is music taste genetic? ›

    “There could be an underlying genetic component to certain auditory capabilities and preferences, but there is a heavy cultural component to music evolution that is not addressed by genetics alone,” says Nick Collins at Durham University in the UK.

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